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Jeff Donald October 2nd, 2004 08:23 PM

What does the camera show on it's LCD screen?

Greg Barton October 3rd, 2004 11:13 AM

FCP 4 or Prod. Suite upgrade
I just ordered my new dual 1.8 ghz powermac, and I have FCP 3 on a student license. How much does it cost to upgrade to the educational version of FCP 4. Also, can you upgrade to the production suite from FCP 3? If so, how much would it cost for the educational version. I tried looking at Apple's website, but it only told me how much it costs to upgrade to the non student versions of production suite and FCP 4. Thanks.

Jeff Donald October 3rd, 2004 11:21 AM

You have to contact Apple Care for the upgrade price. I'm not sure their is an Education upgrade from FCP 3 to FCP HD. A new version of FCP is due soon, so you may want to wait to upgrade unless you have an immediate need to do so.

Jaime Valles October 3rd, 2004 03:22 PM

Problem with rendering titles in FCP 4
Hello, all. I've been putting subtitles in FCP4 on a feature I'm working on. I'm using the Text effect under Text Generator in FCP, not LiveType. For the first 15 minutes of footage I had no problems just typing in a subtitle and dragging it onto the timeline, and nothing required rendering. But all of a sudden, every time I add another text clip, it has a red bar over it. I have no idea why, since I've been doing this for a couple of hours, and nothing needed rendering before now.

Just as a test, I started a new sequence with no video clips on it, and even there the text needed rendering.

I'm running this on a Dual 2 GHz G5 with 1.5 GB of RAM, so it's not that the machine is slow. And I'm not doing any super-complicated effects or compositing. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Jeff Donald October 3rd, 2004 04:00 PM

Did you change size, color, outline or anything about the subtitle?

Dave Perry October 3rd, 2004 05:59 PM

The EDU price for the Production Suite (full versions of apps) is $499. That's a steal.

Jeff Donald October 3rd, 2004 06:01 PM

I don't think there is an upgrade price from the Education version of FCP 3 to Production Suite (Education version).

Rick Bravo October 3rd, 2004 08:06 PM

I don't know about FCP but, on the AVID MC Adrenaline they work fine and they are awesome!


Leon Ortiz-Gil October 3rd, 2004 09:01 PM

When you say the screen was blue, do you mean the camera screen or your monitor on the Mac?

Jaime Valles October 3rd, 2004 10:00 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Jeff Donald : Did you change size, color, outline or anything about the subtitle? -->>>

I changed nothing. Everything is exactly as it was for the last few hours. In fact, I even copied one of the titles that was fine and pasted it at the end of the same timeline, and it said it needed rendering. I've tried switching from Safe to Unlimited RT, and still everything I type now needs rendering.

Is it possible that there's a limit to how many text clips I can use before the machine can't handle it anymore in real time? They're simple white letters, no drop shadow, no movement, that appear and disappear (without a fade) on top of footage. Subtitles.

On a side note... Would I be better off trying to do subtitles in LiveType? I would think it's more complicated switching between the two, but maybe there's a more streamlined way of doing this. Thoughts?

Greg Barton October 3rd, 2004 10:22 PM

Ok thanks guys. I appreciate the answers.

Ryan Wachter October 4th, 2004 04:59 AM

exporting to a minidv tape????!!!! HELP URGENT
I am using FCP 4 and when I go to export to video, and run my sequence it plays on my agdvx100 when in VCR mode but there is no way for me to record it onto the minidv tape.....or am I missing something? How do I get my movie out of fcp4 and on to a minidv tape using an AGDVX100, I only have till 4 to figure it out for the 48 hour film fest...please help.

Ryan Wachter October 4th, 2004 05:00 AM

EXPORTING TO VIDEO!!! URGENT!!! need help please
I am using FCP 4 and when I go to export to video, and run my sequence it plays on my agdvx100 when in VCR mode but there is no way for me to record it onto the minidv tape.....or am I missing something? How do I get my movie out of fcp4 and on to a minidv tape using an AGDVX100, I only have till 4 to figure it out for the 48 hour film fest...please help.

Stephen Schleicher October 4th, 2004 07:34 AM

I would not use LiveType for subtitles....Title3D would be a better option for what you are trying to do.

What may be a problem is if the clips you are applying the text to has been color corrected, or had any motion effect, or regular effect applied to it (even dissolves). This will cause you to have to rerender your clips.

While you are putting everything into the timeline, you can certainly lower the quality of your video in the Render settings, that may get you back to green and allow you to play your Timeline in the computer. You may also want to turn off External video while you are doing this (unless you have a client).

Before you export to tape you will need to render your entire bit.

Hope this helps


Glenn Chan October 4th, 2004 09:15 AM

File --> print to video is one.

Or to go to tools --> edit to tape and do an assemble edit by dragging your sequence from the bin area into the window.

Or play from the timeline and hit record on your camera. This should be a last resort thing in case you get dropped frames or sync issues or whatever.

Before exporting to tape:
check that ins and outs are at the right point. at the out point, you may wish to nudge it a frame back because FCP includes an extra frame.

un-write protect the tape. make sure you don't record over useful stuff.

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