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Deniz Turkmen August 11th, 2004 02:00 PM

Mac overheating?
Whenever I play whats on the timeline in FCP HD, the fans on my dual 2.5 kick in and and it sounds like the computer is working pretty hard just to play back a small portion of video. Is this normal, or is my computer over heating? I have it underneath my desk where nothing can block the fans. This is my first Mac, so I have nothing to compare it too.

Jeff Donald August 11th, 2004 02:36 PM

The dual 2.5GHz processors generate a lot of heat, hence the water cooling. It is probably normal. Consult Apple Care, they have more experience than anyone on forums at this time. Your unit is too new for much field experience yet.

Vishal Gurung August 11th, 2004 04:53 PM

*bump* anyone here encountered something like this?

Bill Greene August 11th, 2004 06:09 PM

I am going to pick up the Production Suite come September. Even in Canada, the price for the whole thing with my student discount is $679. Considering Final Cut Express is 200 with the student discount, I would be insane not to spend the extra and get the Suite.

A phenomenal deal... and even more so when it will save me buying After Effects. Since I have not trained in AE, using Motion will make a little more sense, since from what I have seen (NAB Demo video) it us super simple to use and create great output.

I cant wait!

Ray Echevers August 11th, 2004 11:10 PM

I think i might get it too.
I am tempted too to go get the Production Suite, since it would upgrade me from FCP4 and DVDSP2 to FCPHD and DVDSP3, plus Motion!

Trey Perrone August 12th, 2004 09:39 AM

idvd add intro IFO edit?
hey guys, sorry to trouble ya....i usually run sony dvd arch at home, it give me the option to insert an intro clip (such as the fbi warning type on standard movies)

idvd doesnt seem to have that option, my classmates and I have already assembled a great menu and to redo it in another proggie seeminly would tack on another day.

Could i not encode the intro clip i want separately, and then edit the IFO and tack it in there?


Chris L. Gray August 12th, 2004 10:23 AM

$1,299 1.6 Ghz G5 Powermacs
I just ordered one of these, refurbed from Apple after checking Bare Feat's FCP render tests. http://www.barefeats.com/fcp4.html

After struggling on my tibook 550 G4, I couldn't pass up the upgrade opportunity at this price.

Anyone else on here using FCP with this machine? Have you edited feature length material and if so, how would you describe the experience?


Mark Sloan August 12th, 2004 11:23 AM

You can only do it with iDVD 4.x I believe. Check apple's website for more info.

Trey Perrone August 12th, 2004 02:14 PM

unfortunately its whatever they have on these macs here...i dont own a mac myself. cant see paying for software i would never use.

i know i could handcode it in use IFO edit, just curious if anyone else has run into this.

Chris L. Gray August 12th, 2004 02:44 PM

Woops. sold out already.

Sharon Lawler August 13th, 2004 09:44 AM

"Operation not allowed" message during export
I'm trying to export some sequences into Quicktime movies (with chapters, though that shouldn't make a difference) into iDVD 3.0. I did this exact same thing just two days ago, with another project. Now, when I try to export, it goes through the motions, and after it "exports", it says "operation not allowed". It does this on any sequence in this project that I try to export. Have shut down and re-started with no success. Any thoughts?

Brian Federal August 13th, 2004 11:54 AM

Information on mini DV to beta
Hello Folks,
I will be outputting some video from FCP to mini DV tape for use on a local cable TV show. The cable company will only accept VHS, SVHS, or Beta tape. What is my best option for best quality. I will also need to make sure my video is broadcast safe. I used the broadcast safe filter in FCP and it left me with small square bright green pixels in the hot spots. Should I try to do this or hire a post shop to do it for me. Money is allways an issue and would like to color correct myself. I did try to run the level highlights filter after the broadcast safe filter and this seemed to help. Thanks for your help,

Stylianos Moschapidakis August 13th, 2004 12:06 PM

Will my QT Player accept FCP3's QT Pro?
I am about to install FCP 3 on my eMac (OS 10.2) and I'm a little confused as to whether or not the version (6.0.1) of the QT Player that came pre-installed with my eMac will come into conflict with FCP3's QT Pro. In other words, when it comes to installing QT Pro, does it matter what version of QT Player one has? If yes, what do you suggest I do?

Thank you.

Shane Ross August 13th, 2004 12:20 PM

For the best quality, have your miniDV master transferred to betasp at a professional dub facility. Be sure to add color bars when you print it to tape.

As for color correction and broadcast safe:

You can't just slap a Broadcast Safe filter on there and be done with it. That can crush your highlights, lighten your blacks, and do odd things with color. Color correction is a skill...one that takes a bit of training and a good eye. There are editors here in L.A. whose whole job is to color correct a show and make it ready for broadcast. If you want to tackle this and make your projects look good, I suggest getting a little training.

In the meantime...open your Tool bench scopes and use them as a reference to make sure that your whites don't peak over 100 IRE, and your blacks don't go below 0 IRE. When the dub house makes the transfer, they will bump the blacks up to the analoge standard of 7 IRE. Make sure your colors aren't too hot as well.

The scopes are your best friend. Learn how to read them and use them.

I don't mean to come off sounding 'Holier than thou.' I just want to state that when you enter the broadcast world, you need to know what you are doing or your stuff will get kicked back to you. That can be embarassing and costly to your reputation and pocketbook.

Be prepared.

Jeff Donald August 13th, 2004 02:04 PM

Install the version of QT that comes with FCP and license it as instructed in the FCP directions.

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