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Jeff Donald July 18th, 2004 12:19 PM

If the VTR is connected to a monitor you can see a picture, or a black screen on the monitor? What version FCP, 4.0, 4.1, 4.5?

Benjamin Harrison July 18th, 2004 01:49 PM

Flicker Effect in FCP
I'm trying to put the finishing touches on a scene we shot in a movie theater in which I digitally inserted the video playing on the theater's screen. I was thinking it would be nice to put a little flicker effect on it to make it look more realistic. Any suggestions? I'm working with FCP and could conceivably go into After Effects if I really have to.

Alex Taylor July 18th, 2004 02:28 PM

This is just a wild thought I had, but what if you rendered it out of AE at 24fps uncompressed, then inserted it back in what I'm assuming is your 29.97fps project?

Gustavo Godinho July 18th, 2004 03:34 PM

The VTR is connected to an AJA card. The AJA is connected through firewire to the G5. Itīs FCP 4.0. The black screen Iīm talkinīabout is the FCP monitor window.

Seems that the FCP is not fast-fowarding the tape properly.

Ron Jones July 19th, 2004 11:49 AM

FCP capture problem
When I try to capture now. The capture window comes up okay, but no video in it. I get message, allocating disk space.I eventually have to force quit out of FCPHD.
Do I have a setting wrong? Was working fine before Needs some ones advice!


Jeff Donald July 19th, 2004 11:52 AM

Read the post at the top of this forum detailing how to trash your preferences. I suspect that will solve your capture issue, if not please post back with more details about your system, software and hardware

David Phillips July 19th, 2004 02:32 PM

We had the same problem a couple of years back. An un-install and re-install solved the problem.

Dave Cook July 19th, 2004 09:21 PM

I'm still a rookie with my new PV-GS200 and accidentally shot some footage to the memory card (.ASF) when I was trying to take a still - I pressed the wrong button... Turns out it was some pretty good footage and I would like to add it to my project in Final Cut Express. Is there a way?

Tim Tonner July 20th, 2004 08:26 PM

problem importing eps file
I have managed to save from a disk some images with jpg extensions. They easily saved to my hard drive, and then dragged to my FCP 3 browser folder, and then dropped into my edit.
However, one image, with an eps extension, saved to my hard drive, would not drag to my browser. Any ideas?

Ron Jones July 21st, 2004 07:50 AM

Thanks for your help. still not capturing.

Let me give you some more back ground info.

-G4, 768Ram, FCPHD, working off 300gig FW hard drive.
When I click capture now black screen, no video, and it says: Allocating disk space and I have to force quit out of FCPHD.
I have removed preference files and re started.
tried a new doc.
I have check my settings, and believe there okay.
I have all so did a capture in iMovie, for a test and that works fine.
Do I need to un install and re install? I hope not!


Jeff Donald July 21st, 2004 02:40 PM

Highlight your capture drive (300Gb) and press the Apple Key, "I" Key, what size does the drive in question show? Can you capture to a different drive?

Dave Perry July 21st, 2004 06:15 PM

Print Time Code to Tape
Is there any way to print the time code to tape when you print a movie to tape so that it is visible when viewing the tape?

The guy who does our music wants to be able to view a VHS tape while composing and wants to see the time code on screen.

Thanks, dp

Jeff Donald July 21st, 2004 08:57 PM

FCP has a filter that puts TC on the tape. It has to be rendered, as I recall.

Lucas Baumann July 22nd, 2004 11:01 AM

problem importing pictures into fcx
I scanned in some photos and got some other photos from a digitial camera that I want to use in my editing. I then took them to photoshop and modified them. I imported the photoshop files in to fc.

the problem is: if I open the pictures as clips they show up clear as day, very detailed but when I drag them into a sequence and view them through there, they are pixcelated and fuzzy. are photoshop files not compatable with fc? any other ideas on why they would show up correctly through clip viewing but not when I drop them in to use them in editing?

let me know if you need any more information and thanks ahead.

Steve LaClair July 22nd, 2004 11:21 AM

Nobody has an answer? Essentially my project that i'm working on will be like 90% 16 bit audio from vx2100's but I have a vx1000 on the way and need to make sure if I capture footage its going to run its 12bit audio in a 16bit project in FCP4.

Also should I capture any footage from the vx1000 within its own 32kHz/12bit project then import it into the 48kHz/16bit one?

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