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Ted Springer January 1st, 2004 03:28 PM

Final Cut Pro 4.1.1 glitch in 10.3?
At work I am using Final Cut Pro 4.1.1, OS 10.3.2 (which, by the way, has horrible networking features), and Quicktime 6.5. Usually all goes well as I work, but every once in awhile I will try to select something in the browser or move the scroll marker. But I find that I am unable to even select the browser window. No matter how much I try and click that area, it never comes "in front". I am forced to save an relaunch Final Cut Pro. Anyone else ever encounter this?

Ted Springer January 1st, 2004 03:59 PM

Final Cut Pro pushing clips forward in the Timeline
I think this has affected Final Cut Pro since version 1, but it is anoying nonetheless and was wondering if anyone has creative workarounds.

I am talking about the way you drag a file from the Browser window onto the timeline area. Sometimes when you place the clip it will push all of the other clips forward in the timeline, screwing everything up abd requiring an undo. This is usually most annoying when trying to place a small audio file on the track, such as a sound effect, and it moves ALL tracks forward, audio and video. It will even split a video track in two just to push the rest of it forward.

Check right here for an example picture. This is only a basic example, but you should get the idea.

The only work around I know of is to lock all of the other tracks which you are not dragging files to. But that is annoying in itself. Anyone have a better workaround?

Rob Lohman January 1st, 2004 04:05 PM

In the NLE I'm using (Vegas) I have an option called auto ripple.
If it is on it will move everything whenever I insert something,
otherwise it will overwite it so to speak. Perhaps FCP has a
similar option?

Michael Westphal January 1st, 2004 04:38 PM

The first thing to check is the Audio Playback option in the Audio/Video Settings. I often forget to change this from the built-in audio to go out DV instead. One clue is where you hear the audio when printing to tape -- the computer or the camera.

Boyd Ostroff January 1st, 2004 05:08 PM

Every now and then this will annoy me, and I've always felt I should dig back through the manual to understand the insert modes better. But basically, this is what I do: First, position the insertion point as desired on the timeline. Now grab a clip and slowly drag until the insertion point is highlighted. Now you will see an icon next to it that either has an arrow pointing down towards a line, or left/right. If the icon is pointing down then your other clips won't be disturbed. Also make note that a little triangle should highlight the insertion point itself. If the triangle(s) move to point to the beginning of an existing clip on the timeline then it may be affected.

Maybe someone else can summarize the different insertion modes a little better than I?...

Mark Monciardini January 1st, 2004 05:38 PM

ah ha! I got it. I didn't even see that option under the FCP menu until now. You think they would put all the prefrences together in one Preference menu! aarrg!

Glenn Chan January 1st, 2004 05:41 PM

Clips will ripple forward when you drag clips onto the timeline depending if the box (indicating where the clip will go) is filled or not.

Alternate ways of putting clips on the timeline: drag it to the canvas windows and insert or overwrite. There are keyboard commands for this too.

Jeff Donald January 1st, 2004 07:55 PM

Try trashing FCP preferences. I've posted directions for this in the past. directions are posted here.

Ted Springer January 1st, 2004 09:29 PM

Excellent reply, Boyd! I have never noticed that. I noticed that if your cursor is underneath the line in the blank track, the arrow points down. If it is above then it points forward. Good to know! I learned something new, and I already knew everything! :)

Mark Monciardini January 2nd, 2004 09:29 AM

NLE Mac / Final Cut questions from 2004
DVD Studio Pro No Window Refresh

This software is a beast and I'm learning it slowly but surly. There is one thing that is not working out well.

Let's say you've added a custom directory to the "Shapes" tab. Well if you add more shapes from Photoshop or whatever else while you're NOT in DVD Studio Pro, When you go BACK to the Shapes tab and try and import new files, it will NOT refresh. You will need to Quit DSP and restart it. Then if you go BACK to the Shapes>Custom>Import, you should see the new files there.

This has to be a major bug and should of been looked at during beta!

Justin Morgan January 2nd, 2004 12:21 PM

Stretching in Final Cut & applying filters to empty tracks

Sorry if these sound basic, but if they are then hopefully somebody can help...

In the viewer or canvas is there a way of moving a single corner point so as to strecth and distort an image. All I seem able to do is to shrink or enlarge the entire image or rotate it. I want to be able to move a corner and have the other corners stay where they are. Is this possible?

Also I want to apply the widescreen filter to a new track above all my sequences (the reason I want to do this is because when applied individually the colour of the black bars changes based on the colour correction settings for each clip). What is the best thing to put on this new track to apply the filter to as I can't just add the filter alone to an empty track.


Jeff Price January 2nd, 2004 12:28 PM

New version of FCE out next week
Some CompUSA stores already have copies of FCE version 2 but can't put it out until January 6 (the keynote speech at Macworld).

No word on improvements/what changed.

Boyd Ostroff January 2nd, 2004 12:50 PM

If you want to actually change the proportions of a clip then you need to use distort property on the motion tab. Maybe there's some comand key combination that will let you do this by dragging the image handles, but I'm not aware of it.

I think the way to accomplish what you want with the widescreen filter is to create a completely new sequence and drop your existing sequence into it. Now apply the filter to the new sequence. Then you can edit your original sequence in any way you like and the changes should be reflected in the new sequence with the widescreen filter applied. Of course you will need to render with each change though...

Justin Morgan January 2nd, 2004 01:47 PM

Motion tab - fantastic!

So, for the widescreen filter I should nest my film in a new sequence and then apply the filter to that. Sounds good, thanks!

Nicholi Brossia January 2nd, 2004 02:02 PM

That's pretty interesting, Jeff. I just read a report here, http://www.thinksecret.com/news/finalcutexpress2.html. Didn't FCE just come out early this year? I think the existing version is a great program, hopefully version 2 will be better.
I'm anxious to see the keynote address, will it be streamed on the apple website?

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