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Vic Owen December 20th, 2004 11:38 AM

Have you trashed your prefs? Might help.

Ong Wan Shu December 20th, 2004 12:10 PM

PAL and NTSC in same project, FCP4
hi all,

I got PAL and NTSC footage in the same project, dun ask me why i shot with 2 cameras format...it was a choice when i had none.

anyway, i read through the previous posts and i tried the following

1) Export NTSC into PAL Quicktime
2) Import that Quicktime file into project.

frankly speaking, i cant see any difference in quality.(then again, i am seeing from an iBOOK). but i realize NTSC is 29.97fps while PAL is 25fps.

My question is, is it better to convert PAL to NTSC instead using this method? since i believe FCP will drop frames when doing NTSC to PAL. So, PAL to NTSC it will add frames. is that right?

Also, is burning footages into DVDS, and then import that into the needed format a better way if i want as little quality loss as possible?


Guest December 20th, 2004 12:14 PM

Hey guys,

Thanks for your replies! If anything they act as good 'therapy' for me:) As a side note... this is like the same of 5 other threads on the same topic all across the WWW that I put up....lol! Everyone is telling me 'dirty heads', etc., etc., etc... and now that I think back on it, while I was recording the camera did tell me to clean the heads, which I did. I now realize that the footage that is 'clean' was taken after I cleaned the heads... hence halfway through the tape everything is fine. I had the camera in for service last week to get a grain of dust from out of the lens that was causing focusing problems. Canon overnighted it back to me Friday and I literally pulled it out of the box off my front porch and threw it into my case and began using it. I suspect that maybe the camera was jarred around during shipping and knocked something slightly out of whack. When I cleaned the heads, everthing was lined back up again... who knows. Somebody said my only hope is the Sony 2000 deck ($20 grand). They said that is the only machine that was able to play something like this back just fine... or at least they thought so. I'm going to see if I can rent one and give it a go.

Regardless of what happened, I didn't lose much. The biggest part was the processional from the front of the aisle. My 'main' camera was filming it from behind and I should be able to use that. Everything else was 'staging' shots of the church, flowers, etc. I'm going to drive back down to DC Tuesday to get a ton of those kind of shots. Unfortunately the processional is lost, and I'll just have to explain what happened to the B & G and maybe get in touch with the photographer and see if she can share some of her stills with me so I can put them into a montage at least in the highlight part of the video... we'll see:)

Thanks again guys!

Tim White AU December 20th, 2004 04:12 PM

I just trashed all my preferences and went to an easy setup, started a new project and captured again... and everything seems to be running smoothly.

It's a pity I had to kill everything like that, is there any other options to get old work back?

Benjamin Kantor December 20th, 2004 07:51 PM

audio sync problem
I'm running FCP HD capturing 24p footage from an XL2. Everything is set to 48 kHz audio... the capture, the sequence, and the original audio recording. When I import the footage and view it in FCP, there is a drifting audio sync problem. At the hour mark it is offset by more than a second. However, when I open the .mov files in Quicktime, there is no syncing problem. Any ideas?

Benjamin Kantor

Ong Wan Shu December 20th, 2004 08:34 PM

anyone help???

Guy Cochran December 20th, 2004 09:10 PM

When you hook up a camera and monitor how does the QuickTime file look playing on a Television or NTSC monitor?
You're most likely going to want to take a look at http://nattress.com/ for the Standards Conversion plug-in.
I've had to pay over $100 per hour to get good results from a service bureau after trying to transcode in Cleaner and QT. After Effects works too for conversion, but read-up on the Nattress site. Good stuff.

Ong Wan Shu December 20th, 2004 09:20 PM

well i heard about nattress's plugins, but right now i do not have cash to buy .

how about the export into DVD and import route? thats a lot easier and cheaper for me (although i dun own the DVD burner). is the quality loss low?

Mark Callahan December 20th, 2004 10:42 PM

iDVD 4 is not backward compatable to iDVD3. If you even remotely know anyone in education (K-12, college, student or teacher), get them to buy the iLife suite for you - $29 w/ education discount. You'll get iDVD4, iMovie 4 too so its worth it.

If none of that works, send it to me. i'll burn it for you.

Cosmin Rotaru December 21st, 2004 10:57 AM

matt, maybe some local TV studio has some good player and they could help you... ?

You scared the ^&( out of me. Last time I've read about a XM2 (GL2) camera was about the "zoom issue" and I got that at the next wedding...
I wish I hadn't read this topic! :)

Alfred Okocha December 21st, 2004 02:15 PM

I'm installing holding my breath.. do you think they might have fixed the soft canvas problem in FCP?
Time will tell..

Carlos Ruz December 21st, 2004 04:17 PM

XL2 24P & FCPHD Audio no Sync

I'm a new user of Xl2, last week I shot in 24P mode 2:3 pulldown, and capture that in FCPHD, when I playback the tape in the camera the audio is in sync, but when I playback the shots in the time line the audio is in no sync , some one know the correct setting for capture from 24P to edit in 29.97 NTSC ? drop or non drop? 30fps or 29.97fps?

Thanks for all.

Carlos from Valparaiso.

Graeme Nattress December 22nd, 2004 07:05 AM

Use the NTSC DV easy preset.


Gary Chavez December 22nd, 2004 02:36 PM

it fixed mine.

Zander Taketomo December 22nd, 2004 04:24 PM

After Effects Text
hey ill try to explain what id like to do and hopefully you guys can figure it out. first of all ive been using basic 3d in AE to make it seem as if the text were on a wall... my question is how would i curve the text... for example id want the text while flat to be like ______/, as if each _ is abcde, and then at f it bends up like / sorry its pretty hard to explain, and i was just wondering which effect i should use to do that... for instance here this might be clearer.. if i wanted to spell Computor, id want the "comp" going level as normal, and "utor" to bend and start going diagonally to the right and upward. thank you,

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