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Jay Silver November 28th, 2004 09:09 PM

Live chromakey preview
Does anyone know of a cheap little app that'll apply a rough key to a live DV feed? Preferably one that'll let you play a movie behind it but I'd be very happy just with a still. It's to make it easier to line up blue/greenscreen shots.

There used to be a handy thing with the old A/V Macs where you could key out a particular color where ever it appeared on your screen. I had hoped with the big DV evolution that something similar would exist on OS X but the only solutions I can find are expensive and geared toward the meteorlogical set.


Grinner Hester November 28th, 2004 09:56 PM

Video Toaster rules at this.
If that's out of the question you can find many used switchers on ebay for little to nuthin.

Alfred Okocha November 29th, 2004 12:18 PM

mpg.. where's the sound?
Hi, I'm making a promo for an artist and she asked me to include some old material from her old proomo CD. It's a mpg file. When playback the sound is there and all is well. When I import it to FCP I have to render it to playback and there's no audio track..? I tried using QT to export it to another format but QT reports that there's no audio track..

What's happening? What can I do?


Mark Sloan November 29th, 2004 12:21 PM

FCP can't demux a MPEG1 file... meaning, an MPEG1 file puts the video and audio together... so when you import it into FCP you only get the video. There is a free tool to break the MPEG1 into 2 files... or, if you already have the video, open the MPEG1 file in QT and export the movie as an audio file as a workaround... I think that should work.

Alfred Okocha November 29th, 2004 01:24 PM

Ha, what a life saaver program, thanks that worked beautifully!

Kurth Bousman November 29th, 2004 01:47 PM

thanks Graeme - maybe I'll just get both just in case !

Michael Kavanaugh November 29th, 2004 02:46 PM

Aspect the Horizontal and vertical at the same time and when you get close to the center apply a white border to the wipe. This simulates the white blip as it turns off.

Tim Commeijne November 30th, 2004 10:15 AM

And where would I find that checkbox?
I dont find it anywhere in FCP HD.


James Emory November 30th, 2004 11:13 AM

I don't know if this is the same as what Michael is saying but using a squeeze or pinch filter and keyframing the vertical and horizontal in one move would probably be easier than what I said earlier with compositing a couple of different moves.

Boyd Ostroff November 30th, 2004 12:48 PM

Since I haven't upgraded to your version all I can do is tell you how it works under FCP 3. Under the FCP menu choose Audio/Video Settings and click on the capture presets tab. The currently selected one appears highlighted with a check next to it. I'm assuming this will be the 24p option in your case. Click the Edit button (if a padlock icon appears next to the preset then FCP will automatically create a copy which you can edit and re-name as desired). In the edit screen there should be an anamorphic 16:9 checkbox which you would enable.

Like I said, this is all based on the earlier version so perhaps they've changed something in FCP HD. If so then hopefully someone else will chime in on this.

Tim Commeijne November 30th, 2004 01:26 PM

Thanx Boyd.

I tried this in fcp HD and I'ts the same.
Thank you verry much!

Greets Tim

Fred Zara November 30th, 2004 08:09 PM

FCP HD rendering 24p? Please Help!
I’m switching from Vegas to FCP 4.5 HD and I’m using footage shot in 24p on a DVX100. I captured my footage using the advanced option (pulldown removed) Now when I put the footage into a 24fps sequence it wants me to render, but not if it’s in a 29.9fps sequence.

Can someone please help me understand this. If the footage is 24p and I’m using a 24fps sequence, why should I have to render before viewing?


Christian Buehner November 30th, 2004 10:34 PM

FX1 monitoring with apple cinema display??
is it possible to watch my fx1 in HD quality directly on my apple cinema display 20"?
and in case that its possible
what kind of cable adapters or interfaces do i need
to connect the FX1 with the apple display

thanks for help


Rob Lohman December 1st, 2004 06:41 AM

Welcome aboard DVInfo.net Fred!

I did a search (see the button in the upper right and the link in
my signature) in this Mac forum on 24p and the first page yielded
these threads that might help you futher on what the correct
workflow should be for 24p in FCP:


I also did a search in this forum on "24p AND render" and got
the following threads which are more specific to your problem:


Rob Lohman December 1st, 2004 07:09 AM

Christian: welcome aboard DVInfo.net! I have moved your thread
to our Mac editing forum because it is much more likely that people
in here will know what kind of inputs are on the screen and how
you could convert other signals into signals it accepts.

Good luck with your quest!

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