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Jeff Donald November 8th, 2004 03:06 PM

I would wait if your not have any issues with the announced updates for the programs listed. I updated one of my G4's and I'm having a number of issues with Safari, Mail, and booting up (very slow). I probably won't upgrade the schools G5's until December, when the students go on break.

Dylan Couper November 8th, 2004 03:37 PM

I asked him first, but he didn't know.

Yes, all he needs is to see the video, so he can cut music for it. The video is 10 minutes, so the it isn't going to fit on a CD without some compression.

Can I just burn a CD off my PC with the video in Quicktime format?

Boyd Ostroff November 8th, 2004 04:17 PM

CD's burned on PC's should be readable on the Mac. If you make some sort of Quicktime file that fits the CD then he should be able to open it unless you're using a non-standard CODEC.

Joshua Starnes November 8th, 2004 04:18 PM

Re: Mac and PC, can I share the love?
The easiest way is to burn a QuickTime .mov file - it's cross platform and easily read by either computer. QT on the Mac will handle most .avi's and .mpg's, but sometimes odd encoding will give it a fit. I've never had a problem with a .mov file, though.

I often go back and forth at home because I cut on FCP, but do my sound work in Sound Forge.

Vic Owen November 8th, 2004 05:08 PM

I had enough problems with 10.3.5 that I made the leap. (I couldn't easily go back to 10.3.4 since I recently upgraded directly from Cheetah to 10.3.5.)

I completed a project last night with no problems. I even turned the effects back on, with no crashes. Still early, but I'm hoping.

Once interesting new "effect", though, is that the Viewer and Canvas video appears slightly out of focus when running -- it sharpens up when stopped. That's even with the Res set to high.

It's still OK on the external monitor, so it's not a big problem, but it's one I hadn't seen before 10.3.6.

Gotta love Apple....!

Dylan Couper November 8th, 2004 07:17 PM

Thanks guys!

Christian Bovine November 8th, 2004 07:52 PM

Capturing straight from VCR....??
I have the VCR hooked up through the DVI to Video Adapter and am looking to capture with Final Cut Pro and I changed the settings to uncontrollable. The problem is FCP is not recognizing the VCR.....?

Any suggestions why?

Mike Hanlon November 9th, 2004 01:02 PM

Your description is not very detailed, but from what I gather you are trying to capture video from a VCR through the DVI/VGA port of your Mac (what model?).

The DVI/VGA port does not do video in, only video out.

The traditional method to capture VHS material is to connect it to a DV (or Digital8) camera or deck that does "pass through" conversion and import the video over the camera's firewire.


Christian Bovine November 9th, 2004 01:14 PM

So you are saying the Adapter is only for exporting to a VCR or TV, it isn't used to import anything...? Cause that could be my problem.

I have a G5 and I have the VCR hooked up using the yellow video wire hooked up to the DVI adapter. I figure this would be all I needed to do but like i said it did not recognized the VCR.

I have a GL2 that I could use but the VCR is pretty old and it doesn't have a S-video outlet and since I have the adapter I thought I could just hook the VCR up to the G5 and it should work. But it i guess it is only for exporting...

Now, can I go through the GL2 into the computer without having to copy it to a DV then capturing it?

Mike Hanlon November 9th, 2004 01:31 PM

The GL2 will do nicely. Connect the GL2 to the VCR with the cable that came with the GL2 (minijack on one end and 3 RCA jacks, white/red/yellow at the other. You may have to go into a GL2 menu to emable the pass through mode, check your manual.

Connect the GL2 to the computer via FireWire. In FCP the device preset is "not controllable". To do the capture bring up the Log and Capture window, start the playback on the VCR, hit Capture Now to start capturing. When you want to stop the capture hit esc.


Christian Bovine November 9th, 2004 01:33 PM

Thanks Mike I appreciate the quick response.

Cannon Pearson November 9th, 2004 06:36 PM

Missing audio waveforms in FCE
Some of the audio waveforms in a sequence in FCE are missing. I know that there is audio there, because I can hear it. One clip even has about a third of the waveform and then it just stops.

Has anyone seen this or know how to fix it?

John Sandel November 9th, 2004 06:39 PM

No, & I haven\'t experienced it yet. But I\'d like to hear about a fix, too.



Jeff Donald November 9th, 2004 06:45 PM

Try trashing the preferences files.

Mike Hanlon November 9th, 2004 07:31 PM

I would quit FCE and through away the files in the folder "Waveform Cache Files", then relaunch.


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