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Bruce S. Yarock October 31st, 2004 09:03 AM

I've had a GL1 for a few years, and recently bought an xl2. I want to use both cameras together, and use 16:9. I never realized that the GL1 has some sort of 16:9 (also never tried it). Would the two work togather?
Bruce yarock

Rob Lohman October 31st, 2004 10:00 AM

I think that information is incorrect guys. A DVD does not have
macrovision (as does a video tape) since this is an ANALOG
protection scheme. Macrovision is just a bit being set in the
video stream (DVD rippers can remove that bit as well) which
instructs the DVD player to emit a macrovision signal.

The *ONLY* thing we cannot do (unless you have an authoring
burning with authoring media) is CSS encryption (due to different
sector sizes and encryption keys you need). Macrovision and
region encoding should be a non issue, as long as your authoring
application SUPPORTS this!

However, in the case of Macrovision I'm pretty sure you will need
to pay for a license to use it in your discs.

Why not enable the bit and see if you can record your DVD
playing back through a namebrand (some cheaper brands do
NOT output Macrovision, at least here in Europe) DVD player
onto a VCR? With Macrovision this should not be possible (it
will record, but only garbage).

Now it might've been that DVD Studio Pro supports this bit ONLY
when exporting to DLT (ie, to make sure you pay your rights),
that could be (and I don't know). But in theory it should be very
easy to include Macrovision and/or region encoding on your own
DVD's (licensing issues aside), technically. They are both a set of
bits, nothing more.

Rob Lohman October 31st, 2004 10:13 AM

That depends on what the source was. If you can try to do an
inverse telecine (IVTC) to interpret the footage as 24p (there
should be some setting/template for that probably).

Steven Andrus October 31st, 2004 06:29 PM


Michael Westphal October 31st, 2004 07:39 PM

I think I understand
Yes, if you export to Compressor directly from FCP, then FCP is tied up while compressor does it's thing.

That's why I export to a quicktime file (NTSC settings) then import that file into Compressor outside of FCP. FCP is still free for editing.

Michael Westphal October 31st, 2004 07:42 PM

Just initialize it as one partiton. No need to make it bootable.
Leave FCP where it is on the boot drive.

Then in FCP, set your scratch disk to be the new internal disk.

Johnny Chiang October 31st, 2004 09:00 PM

'Scene Detect' in FCP HD?
In Premiere Pro, there was a 'scene detect' feature where it would detect everytime the pause/record button was pressed. It would then seperate the files each time it was pressed...

Chris Kenny October 31st, 2004 09:12 PM

Select a clip, go to Mark->DV Start/Stop Detect. This will insert a marker for each start/stop. You can turn these into subclips with Modify->Make Subclip.

Mark Shea November 1st, 2004 05:49 AM

Zooming in on a still photo in FCP
Could someone please tell me how one goes about zooming in on a digital still photo in FCP?

Jeff Donald November 1st, 2004 07:24 AM

Do a search, this has been discussed many times. You may find the tutorials here helpful.

Jeff Donald November 1st, 2004 07:31 AM

FCP needs to remain in the default install location. It will cause issues in the future if you move the application.

Jeff Donald November 1st, 2004 07:32 AM

Did you call Apple?

Gary Chavez November 1st, 2004 07:48 AM

If I'm not mistaken, could'nt you use export to compressor FPC 3
and still have function of FCP?

Laurence Maher November 1st, 2004 03:46 PM

I thought that Soundtrack only worked with loops? Can you use the program to generate individual notes of midi data or do midi sequencing with it (or similar)? If you can't, it's not really professional, unless your really just a D.J. type available loop/fx mixer, as opposed to someone actually trying to "score" a movie. I wouldn't be able to come up with my own melodies or anything.

So far I can't find features in Soundtrack capable of what I'm talking about. Do you know if you can do this?

Boyd Ostroff November 1st, 2004 06:23 PM

I think that Logic Express would be the next step up in this direction http://www.apple.com/logicexpress, followed by Logic Pro http://www.apple.com/logic

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