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Keith Wells May 18th, 2009 12:14 PM

Issues with recording to tape out of FCP
I apologize if this has been covered already, but I couldn't find anything. I am having problems recording a FCP sequence back on to tape using either the JVC BR-HD50 deck or the JVC GY-110U camera. I have had zero problems capturing so scratch that off the list. Basically, when I hook up the camera to record and then play the sequence I can actually see the audio meters moving but the image in the viewfinder stays frozen. If I stop the playhead in the FCP sequence the image in the viewfinder will "catch up" to where I have stopped, but once I hit play again it just stays frozen. Any ideas? I occasionally will have to record projects on to miniDV tape for local TV stations and I am trying to figure this out before it ends up biting me. Thanks for your help!

Tim Dashwood May 18th, 2009 06:51 PM

Make sure the deck is in HDV mode. You will have to use "print to tape" and not edit to tape.
Also, HDV won't live play out of the firewire the way DV will... you have to use "print to tape."

Keith Wells May 19th, 2009 09:43 AM

Thanks for the tip, I will try "print to tape". Although, what I was actually trying to dub was coming out of a SD timeline in Final Cut Pro (the material was originally shot in HDV 30p, the sequence was then written out and dropped into SD). I'll see if print to tape works. Thanks again!

Tim Dashwood May 19th, 2009 09:51 AM

If it's SD then you want to switch over to DV mode and use DV settings for your sequence. Then you can use Edit to Tape for TC accurate assembly editing.

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