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Tony LeHoven May 6th, 2009 11:21 AM

Encoding Flash from Compressor with CS4
Hi All,

Quick question. Adobe CS3 would install a Flash component into QuickTime so that you could export Flash straight out of Compressor. It worked great and saved me the step of rendering a movie to export to Flash. I've recently upgraded to CS4 on a Mac Pro but now there is no QT component. For what it's worth the Adobe Flash encoder is now called the Adobe Media encoder. Is it possible to export Flash from Compressor with CS4? Can I install the old Flash exporter?


Michael Lane May 7th, 2009 10:19 PM

FLV Files
You could make a .h264 file with Compressor. But since this is not a free encoding solution, I am stuck using FLV because at some point they will find me and want their royalty fee which I am not going to pay. If your movies won't require payment in the future, go for .h264 as it will make a smaller file.

Me, I export my clip in QT first and make a QT Reference movie. Then I open the new CS4 media encoder and add the refrence files to the batch monitor. Then I render.

The number of settings in Adobe Media Encoder allows you/me to set everything I want, from number of passes, bitrate, audio and video settings, etc.

I have had the best luck this way. I have tried other solutions, but this gives me the best results. Espeically since it will batch encode. I do lots of long clips often 2 hours or more and as you know the render times can be long. This way I can edit all day and render all night.

Mitchell Lewis May 8th, 2009 08:06 PM

I seem to remember reading somewhere that you can compress a movie as an H.264 movie and then just change the extension from MOV to FLV and it will play fine in most cases. Here's a thread talking about it:

lafcpug Forums :: Café LA :: How do I make .flv(flash video) file from a quicktime .mov?

Tony LeHoven May 9th, 2009 01:50 PM

Thanks for the replies Michael & Mitchell,

I appreciate your workarounds. My point, however, was that before, when I had CS3 installed, I could go directly from FCP to Compressor, access all the Flash encoding parameters available in the Adobe Flash Encoder from within a drop down menu called "QuickTime Components". So now I'm back to a two stage process which sucks if you are batch processing overnight. Also, I paid big bucks to upgrade to CS4 and am disappointed that a great feature has disappeared!

Mitchell Lewis May 13th, 2009 11:06 AM

Have you called Adobe? You get free 90 day tech support with your purchase of CS4.

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