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Carlos Salcedo February 26th, 2004 04:04 PM

No Apple solution for editing JVC HD Cam???
I just attended the Apple Final Cut Pro seminar and I spoke with the Apple rep about the possibility of an Apple supported method to convert the transport stream of the HD1/HD10 and he said that it would be very unlikely that Apple would create a method to convert any form of transport stream due to various license agreements with various studios and music studios.

Heath McKnight February 26th, 2004 04:06 PM

That doesn't make sense...


Carlos Salcedo February 26th, 2004 04:51 PM

I was asking him if Apple would release some sort of transport stream (.ts or .m2t) solution that would allow these files to be used with Final Cut Pro...sort of like what Heruis has with their solution.

He said that the they have the ability to do it now, but due to the agreements signed with the studios (copyright agreements, mostly) they will not produce their own solution.

So in other words, do not expect Apple to come up with a converter solution to turn your .ts or .m2t files to a format that Quicktime or Final Cut Pro will understand and support.

So we are stuck with the current shareware and the few commercial solutions out right now.

Heath McKnight February 26th, 2004 05:00 PM

I would still take that with a grain of salt.


Carlos Salcedo February 26th, 2004 05:15 PM

From what I saw on this seminar, Apple is going more towards the uncompressed side of things. They were showing off their new set-up to be used with a Aja box and their Xserve Raid...they had a pretty sweet set-up...

Today they talked about the uncompressed 10bit SD video capture and he said that in the next few months Apple will team up with an unknown vendor to introduce an uncompressed HD solution for broadcasters.

I believe that Apple wants to take over this market by combining FCP and the ease of these new boxes and their Raid.

But that is my opinion by what I noticed at the seminar.

Heath McKnight February 26th, 2004 05:50 PM

You might want to change the heading of this post to NO Apple solution with a question mark. It's still a rumor. Apple is notorious for keeping their mouths shut.


Les Dit February 26th, 2004 10:07 PM

'unknown vendor'
Maybe the "unknown vendor" is Seagate or Maxtor? ;)

<<<-- Originally posted by Carlos Salcedo : From what I saw on this seminar, Apple is going more towards the uncompressed side of things. They were showing off their new set-up to be used with a Aja box and their Xserve Raid...they had a pretty sweet set-up...

Today they talked about the uncompressed 10bit SD video capture and he said that in the next few months Apple will team up with an unknown vendor to introduce an uncompressed HD solution for broadcasters.

I believe that Apple wants to take over this market by combining FCP and the ease of these new boxes and their Raid.

But that is my opinion by what I noticed at the seminar. -->>>

Thomas Ferlauto February 28th, 2004 07:45 PM

That rumor does make sense. Apple is very cozy with the studios, record companies, and other content creators. They are going to bend over backwards to protect their buddy's intellectual property. If Apple provided a solution to work with the .ts files created by this camcorder, the same solution could be used to copy, edit and distribute (i.e., steal) over the air broadcasts, because the format is the same -- MPEG-2 transport stream.

Carlos Salcedo April 18th, 2004 03:17 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Carlos Salcedo :Today they talked about the uncompressed 10bit SD video capture and he said that in the next few months Apple will team up with an unknown vendor to introduce an uncompressed HD solution for broadcasters.

I believe that Apple wants to take over this market by combining FCP and the ease of these new boxes and their Raid.

But that is my opinion by what I noticed at the seminar. -->>>

Like I said here, Apple was working on bringing some sort of HD editing...check out these...




Bernard Ryan April 18th, 2004 06:31 PM

Apple HDV support coming !
check apple's website


Chris Hurd April 18th, 2004 06:57 PM

Officially it's an upgrade not only to do realtime playback of DVCPro HD effects, transitions etc. over FireWire, but also upgrades for CinemaTools, DVDSP3, Shake, Compressor, LiveType -- a whole slew of improvements. FCP 4.5 is the new version number.

Thomas Ferlauto April 18th, 2004 07:52 PM


Apple just passed HDV by.
This new version of FCP may be targeted to HD production, but it still does not talk to your JVC -- nor the other HDV cameras to come.

Bernard Ryan April 18th, 2004 08:53 PM

Not this version but coming
Apple Computer is pleased to announce that it has joined the growing list of companies that are supporting the HDV format. HDV will be implemented in future versions of Apple products. Customers can begin using HDV with Final Cut Pro today through third party products such as Lumiere HDV and the Heuris Indie HD and Pro-Indie HD toolkits.

Heath McKnight April 18th, 2004 10:10 PM

Not the total answer I was looking for from Apple, but it's good to know it's coming. We'll see what happens, I guess.

And congrats to a certain someone we know very well who got a mention, along with Heuris (who never calls back), about the Lumiere HD solution!


Paul St. Denis April 19th, 2004 10:21 AM

Campressor now lets you output a 1280x720 mpeg2 elementary stream, I am going to see if I can put this through VLC to produce a transport stream, I'll let you know what happens.

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