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Brett OBourke April 9th, 2009 05:53 PM

How to import XML files into FCP?
I am trying to import some temporary voiceover recorded in Audacity. They are XML files; that's the only format Audacity exports in. When I import it it asks for the translation file. I have no idea what that means, but when I click on every file I was given, they all say no translation template found.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


p.s. is there no basic voice recorder utilizing the onboard mic on the Macbook Pro? Seems like something that would come standard but I'll be damed if I can locate it and I'd rather not hassle with garage band (a program I've never even opened) if I can help it.

Nigel Barker April 9th, 2009 11:42 PM

I think that you have a wrong idea of exporting here. XML files text files (eXtended Markup Language) often used for a preferences file. Audacity will save recording as MP3 or whatever. If you can play the files in Audacity you will be able import these MP3s into FCP.

Garageband _is_ the simple voice recorder for the MBP just Google on 'garageband voice over'. If you don't like that program then you have already found the best alternative in Audacity.



Mike Barber April 10th, 2009 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Brett OBourke (Post 1072653)
They are XML files; that's the only format Audacity exports in.

That is completely wrong. Audacity can export as AIFF (the correct version for working with FCP, BTW), MP3 or Ogg Vorbis.

XML is a plain text file using a specific mark-up language, not an audio format.


Originally Posted by Brett OBourke (Post 1072653)
p.s. is there no basic voice recorder utilizing the onboard mic on the Macbook Pro? Seems like something that would come standard but I'll be damed if I can locate it

Final Cut Pro has a Voice Over tool. Check the FCP User Manual (pages III-137–III-152, IV-478) for details.

Brett OBourke April 10th, 2009 02:46 PM

Thanks all. I talked to a friend last night who said, "uh, why don't you just use the voice over tool in FCP," which of course is the smart, simple solution. (This is why I prefer to stick to producing and directing and leaving the edits to the pros.) I feel like a bonehead, but I have learned.

Thanks again though for the replies.



Eric Mayrand April 22nd, 2009 10:44 AM

Version 5-to-6 FCP Project File Interchange
I tried exporting a project as XML (all four aif flavours) from FCP version 6 and importing into version 5 and it asks for a Translation File. I was unable to find discussion of this topic here nor relevant mention of the translation file - sorry if i searched the wrong thread or just missed some good info. Sure seems like a common issue: moving a project (or at least a timeline) between the two most recent versions of FCP!
Likewise, I'd also like to share my FCP projects with people using Premier Pro CS4.
Thanks in advance, - eric

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