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Dan Uneken December 3rd, 2003 04:20 AM

Help please: what format capture FCP?

Urgent problem:

Since somehow I can't capture form my XL-1 to my PC, I have captured some files on a friend's G4 using FCP.
I burned the resulting raw files on a CD-ROM.
I added .AVI to the names and copied them to my PC HD.
Now the files cannot be used in the PC, only the sound plays. Premiere doesn't import the files into a project.

Anyone able to point me in the right direction? I'm sure the capture was done OK and I was assuming that the resulting files would be platform independent. But it seems perhaps I'm assuming too much....

Thanks a lot!


Dan Uneken December 3rd, 2003 04:33 AM

Aaah too fast on the trigger: I remembered something about .MOV and changing the file-extensions into that makes Premiere acccept the footage, even though it needs rendering, which makes it rather impractical for larger projects, since it needs re-rendering with every change made. But it's workable since this is only a 10-second TV commercial.



Jeff Donald December 3rd, 2003 06:53 AM

FCP will export in the QuickTime format, among others, depending on the Codecs installed on your friends machine. QT is platform independent and if Premiere is setup correctly, QT can be imported without rendering. I'm glad you got it worked out.

Dan Uneken December 3rd, 2003 07:20 AM

Thanks Jeff,

I will look into the Premiere settings for using QT files!


David Slingerland December 3rd, 2003 02:11 PM

Jeff i want to know if you can work on a project in fcp and then import it in to Avid composer or DVexpress, not as one piece but that you can work on it like you can in FCP? and what format you should use (is it EDL?)

Jeff Donald December 3rd, 2003 02:17 PM

David, no you can not directly import a project into an Avid and have it appear. Media can be imported, such as QT. An EDL (edit decesion list) would allow you to recapture the media into an Avid and have it recognize the effects, graphics, etc. The EDL method doesn't work with 100% accuracy.

Dan Uneken December 10th, 2003 03:36 AM

One more question: theoretically, is there any quality loss in the conversion from a QT file into an .AVI?
It looks OK to me, but would just like to be sure. Thanks!

Jeff Donald December 10th, 2003 07:03 AM

Probably a little loss. Anytime you render, there is a slight loss of quality. Depending on the codec used, the quality loss might or might not be visible. The only sure way is to run a short test.

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