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Nik Hanselmann October 20th, 2003 04:22 PM

Skipping audio in FCP and a question about registering Quicktime

I have a problem with skipping audio. At first, I thought it was just a problem with rendering in FCP and it wouldn't show up when I rendered to a quicktime file. However, the audio skips in a rendered quicktime file.

I'm sure the audio source isn't to blame as its from an MP3 file and it sounds fine.

Could this be the result of not having enough memory? I am already "operating" under the minimum requirement, (I have 256mb) and FCP seems to work... I'm just wondering if the problem is more serious. I'm going to be geting more memory soon, once I have the money :)

Also, a question about registering Quicktime. FCP came with a Quicktime Pro serial in the manual so I assume that you get Quicktime Pro with the suite which is cool. However, I'm not sure how to register quicktime. I enter the serial that came with FCP into the QT registration box and it says it doesnt match my name that I inputted.



Glenn Chan October 20th, 2003 04:33 PM

Use iTunes or QT Pro to convert mp3 files to 48khz AIFF files and then use those. This should solve your problems.

You should usually post your FCP version with problems like these, but in this case it may not matter. Post back if converting your audio is the right solution! It will help other users to know if this solution is the right one.

2- Yeah you really need that RAM :) I used to run a yikes G4 with 256MB RAM and it was noticeably faster with more RAM.

Nik Hanselmann October 20th, 2003 04:53 PM

Thanks Glenn!

Converting to AIFF solved the skipping problem 100%. I guess it makes sense that it makes less load because you don't have to decode. Cool.

Ah, and I forgot to mention that I'm using FCP 4 on a Dual 1.25ghz with 256mb.

Boyd Ostroff October 20th, 2003 05:15 PM

Can only speak for the version of QT Pro 5 that shipped with FCP3, but I'll bet it's the same on FCP 4. When registering, you need to enter the name AS PRINTED ON THE REGISTRATION LABEL that came with FCP. On FCP3 this was "Quicktime Pro". DO NOT enter your own name! Enter "Quicktime Pro" as the name in the registration dialog. This little "feature" has confused me and many others, so don't feel bad. :-)

Also, FWIW, if using FCP3 as distributed, the registration serial number will only work for Quicktime 5 as included on the disk. If you want to upgrade to Quicktime 6 you need to pay the fee and register through Apple's website. I assume that QT 6 was included with FCP 4 however.

Nik Hanselmann October 20th, 2003 05:27 PM

Ah ha! It worked!

Thanks Boyd!

Guest October 20th, 2003 11:07 PM

When converting an MP3 to an AIFF you are really upgrading to a higher quality and QuickTime fills in the blanks.

Whenever possible try to grab the music from the source CD, DVD, or audiotape etc. as this will be closer to what your needs are in the future. Import it to QuickTime then convert it to source. Looking to exporting your project to another NLE is another reason to have source. Especially when you go to burn a DVD and the sound is just not there. As APack wants more content.

Mark Newhouse October 21st, 2003 10:33 AM

QuickTime Pro

Also, FWIW, if using FCP3 as distributed, the registration serial number will only work for Quicktime 5 as included on the disk. If you want to upgrade to Quicktime 6 you need to pay the fee and register through Apple's website. I assume that QT 6 was included with FCP 4 however.
I was worried about this when I installed FCP3, since those disks shipped with QT5, but my new 12" PowerBook came with QT6. I simply skipped the install of QT from the FCP3 disks and registered my installed version of QT6 with the serial number they gave me and had no problems.

I would also assume that FCP4 comes with QT6 though (I'm not quite ready to upgrade yet).

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