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Mac Treouser April 2nd, 2009 11:23 PM

How To : FCP preview editing result realtime on HDTV?

I have a used 19" HD Ready TV from Samsung.I wish to use it as my Editing Monitor.BTW ,i shoot in Panny SD100. And edit on MacBook Pro.


How s'ld i connect the 19' monitor (HDMI? AV? RCA?) with my editing software through MacBook Pro?


Mike Barber April 3rd, 2009 01:21 PM

To connect via HDMI, you will need something like the Matrox MXO2.

Heath McKnight April 3rd, 2009 02:36 PM

I've used the MXO and MXO2, and the MXO is best for monitoring (the MXO2 is a lot like the ioHD, but you can monitor, just not with all the extra cool features the MXO has).

Welcome to Matrox


Nigel Barker April 4th, 2009 10:30 AM

If you want to use the HDTV for broadcast-quality input/output, monitoring, and up/down/cross conversion then you will need the MX02 for use with your MBP. On the other hand if you only want to hook up an external monitor for more casual video playback then you just need a DVI-HDMI convertor lead to connect from the DVI-out of the laptop to the HDMI-in of the TV.



Heath McKnight April 4th, 2009 11:01 AM

Some video formats, like HDV, need a converter to be able to monitor. A capture card, the MXO devices, etc. can do that. Btw, here are the comparisons of the MXO family of products:



Mac Treouser April 7th, 2009 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel Barker (Post 1050725)
If you want to use the HDTV for broadcast-quality input/output, monitoring, and up/down/cross conversion then you will need the MX02 for use with your MBP. On the other hand if you only want to hook up an external monitor for more casual video playback then you just need a DVI-HDMI convertor lead to connect from the DVI-out of the laptop to the HDMI-in of the TV.



Thanks Nigel,

Let say, i'm using MBP + Cinema Display for my workflow...then, i'll not able to use the DVI-HDMI convertor for my HDTV display anymore...am i right? so what s'ld i do?

Nigel Barker April 7th, 2009 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mac Treouser (Post 1061766)
Thanks Nigel,

Let say, i'm using MBP + Cinema Display for my workflow...then, i'll not able to use the DVI-HDMI convertor for my HDTV display anymore...am i right? so what s'ld i do?

Of course if you are using the MBP's DVI connector for a Cinema Display it won't be available for the HDTV display but you didn't mention that you were already using an external monitor with your laptop.

I was trying to understand whether you just want to add another display on your laptop or whether you really need all of the facilities of an MXO2 which costs almost as much as the MacBook Pro. If it's just another monitor then a something like a Kensington USB dual monitor adaptor at about $100 is all you need & should work OK with your 'HD Ready' TV Kensington - K33907US - Dual Monitor Adapter



Mac Treouser April 7th, 2009 11:13 AM

Oppss...sorry, that's my fault...haaa..thanks for understanding!!!

Erm...it is a very good idea and thanks for the link, will look into it!!!

May i know, Nowaday Preview via DVI is the new ERA and better playback quality?

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