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Jeff Donald February 10th, 2003 06:17 AM

The PowerLogix is the only dual upgrade for dual 450's at this time. The only limitation to upgrade cards is that you shouldn't upgrade OS's or other critical software until the upgrade manufacture certifies them for use with the board. Upgrades can have problems with new versions of OS's.

If the video card is upgraded to the nVidia GForce 440MX or the ATI Radeon 9000 Pro you will be able to drive two monitors. The cost of the cards are both well under $200.

Bob Zimmerman February 10th, 2003 10:28 AM

I'm really not sure on that. I haven't seen anything like that on mine. But go to Apple.com and then, support. Then, join discussion. You will find a large discussion on iMovie. I'm sure someone there will know what the problem is.

jpjeanne February 11th, 2003 05:43 PM

Does MPEG-2 affect slow fades?

First, I must say, this site is great resource! Now, the problem...

I burned a DVD (using the latest iDVD on a dual 1Ghz G4) of some footage that had a lot of fade-ins and fade-outs (from black). I see a lot of pixelation just before the picture fades completely out, but it only happens with very slow (5 seconds or more) fade-outs. From what I can gather, this could be because of Quicktime compressing the file (not sure how to export an uncompressed - see below), or, it could be because of MPEG-2 encoding, which doesn't handle slow fades very well.

1. How do you create an uncompressed Quicktime file? The manual talks about it, but there are no options in any of FCP's "Export -> Quicktime" menus or sub-menus. The only option I see is within the Quicktime compression settings, where one of the compressors is called "None" - is this it?

2. When does a DV file become encoded as MPEG-2? When I export a Quicktime file from FCP, I end up with a .mov file. Is this an .mov file that has been encoded into the MPEG-2 format, or is MPEG-2 something different, with its own file extension? Can you encode a DV file into the MPEG-2 format and end up with a file that has a different extension, like an .avi?

3. It sounds like iDVD, FCP, and DVD Studio Pro all use the Quicktime 6.0 to encode into the MPEG-2 format. (I'm not sure if this is correct.) I understand that Discreet Cleaner also encodes into the MPEG-2 format. Will it do a much better job encoding than Quicktime 6.0, or are all encoders the same? Will this create a smoother fade?

4. How does FCP synch with Discreet Cleaner? Does Cleaner show up as an option in FCP's "Export->Quicktime" menus? If not, do you have to export an uncompressed .mov then open it with Cleaner and clean that file?

5. After Cleaner encodes to MPEG-2, it has to output some sort of file. What files does it output? Another .mov file or something else?

6. Lastly, I understand that the actual process of buring the DVD results in image degradation. Does Roxio Toast do a better job than iDVD in this department?



Rob Lohman February 11th, 2003 07:26 PM

Since I'm not on the Mac platform I do not have experience with
your products. But normally it goes as follows:

1. you EDIT your footage. This is usually in .AVI or .MOV (QuickTime) format
2. you ENCODE your footage to MPEG2. This is usually done in another
application and creates .M2V/.MPG/.VOB files (normally on a PC)
3. you AUTHOR a DVD which assembles all the bits and pieces and
either creates a directory/folder structure with .IFO/.BUP.VOB files
in it or makes a disc image (.IMG mostly)
4. you BURN the DVD. Quality should not degrade here

There are two steps to loose quality FAST. That is between steps
1 and 2 first and then with step 2. You must make sure that you
get your footage to your MPEG2 encoder with the highest quality
possible (AT LEAST DV in QuickTime, uncompressed even better).

The MPEG encoder (step 2) will be the most important factor in
how your file will look. If you have a bad quality encoders (yes,
these do exist) no matter what you will do, it will never look good.
If you have a good encoder you can still get bad looking video if
you set it up wrong. There can be alot of settings for a good mpeg

As for your platform specific questions I hope someone in the know
will chime in and light your path!

Good luck.

George Goltz February 12th, 2003 10:07 AM

auto sync adjust
Has anyone confirmed that this feature is now not working in fcp 3.04
if so what are all of XL1S users going to do?
I never had a problem in fcp 3.02

Tony Brave February 12th, 2003 10:05 PM

audio problem after capture
just did some captures of video and audio. The audio levels looked normal when I was capturing but when I play back in timeline or preview the levels are really low. In fact I can't hear anything. I can see some readings from VUs but not much. Not like when I was capturing. The levels in the timeline look fine.

Can someone help me here....

P.S I used a Sony DSR-45 deck to capture with. One other thing I tried a capture from my XL-1s also.

Update: I turned off the DSR and rebooted and now I have sound. But the sound is really low and and bad quality that I recently captured. Other past projects play fine.

Ken Tanaka February 12th, 2003 10:28 PM

I think we'll need a bit more info, such as:
  • What app are you using? FCP3? Avid? Premiere?
  • What Mac are you using?
  • Have you checked your app's audio capture settings?
  • What's different since your last successful capture?

Vic Owen February 12th, 2003 10:46 PM

I just checked the most recent project I did with FCP 3.0.4 -- all XL-1 recorded clips over 5 minutes showed a decimal figure (e.g., 48.0083) in the Browser. It appears to be working.

Tony Brave February 12th, 2003 11:06 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Ken Tanaka : Tony,
I think we'll need a bit more info, such as:
  • What app are you using? FCP3? Avid? Premiere?
  • What Mac are you using?
  • Have you checked your app's audio capture settings?
  • What's different since your last successful capture?

using FCP3: 3.0.4

Audio capture setting: Where? FCP menu audio/video settings? Summery/capture preset:DV NTSC 48khz

Can't remember making any changes. One time before it did the same thing. That time itwas a digi 8 sony cam so I thought maybe they didn't have the sound down pat. This recent problem I shot the footage with a Panasonic (new 24p cam) and a XL-1s. I know the audio is good with both of these cameras. As I said when I was capturing I could see the levels in FCP and they were good, but when I played it back in the timeline, and preview window it was really low and muffled.

Christian Nordquist February 13th, 2003 12:50 AM

DV with older macs and FW cards...

I have a beige G3 upgraded with a 550 Mhz G4 zif + a Belkin Firewire PCI card + Radeon Mac Edition..
I have had no problem capturing DV with my GL2 and FCP 1.0 through 2.0 work fine, with a minor hickup.

I've had Blocky DV playback problems in the preview window with my G4 upgraded Beige G3 under OS 9.2.2

Credit to.... " Josh L."
sound manager from QuickTime 5 is part of the problem.

Unfortunately Final Cut 2 & 3 require the sound manager of QT 5 to run and that sound manager is the one that causes splotchy DV playback.

What can be done to fix this...
use ResEdit to replace the "nift" resources of QT5's SoundManager with the "nift" resources from QT 4.1.2.
This makes for clean DV playback and the use of FCP 2 & 3.

This doesn't fix everything but goes a long way to improve program behavior.

What it does not fix is the audio crackle and hiss in playback under OS 9, but you can mixdown audio to take care of that.

Christian Nordquist February 13th, 2003 03:01 AM

FCP & Pre-G3 & Beige G3 Upgraded Macs
Look here for some great inf on Final Cut Pro with Pre-G3 & Beige G3 Upgraded Macs...

If you are getting type 12 errors running FCP 2 on a Pre G3 mac, go here and download "FCP2Init"

Credit for FCP2Init to John Brisbin

Also look here for great information

Adrian Seah February 13th, 2003 07:53 AM

It's not working with my FCP 3.0.4... everything is at 48.000 and its still drifting! help!

VIC: apart from the 'sync adjust movies over' button, what other settings are there?


Christian Nordquist February 13th, 2003 12:33 PM

Preview window Blocky Playback Fix for FCP/Imovie3/ Premiere

I have a beige G3 upgraded with a 550 Mhz G4 zif + a Belkin Firewire PCI card + Radeon Mac Edition..
I have had no problem capturing DV with my GL2 and FCP 1.0 through 2.0 work fine, with a minor hickup.

I've had Blocky DV playback problems in the preview window with my G4 upgraded Beige G3 under OS 9.2.2

Credit to.... " Josh L."
sound manager from QuickTime 5 is part of the problem.

Unfortunately Final Cut 2 & 3 require the sound manager of QT 5 to run and that sound manager is the one that causes splotchy DV playback.

What can be done to fix this...
use ResEdit to replace the "nift" resources of QT5's SoundManager with the "nift" resources from QT 4.1.2.
This makes for clean DV playback and the use of FCP 2 & 3.

This doesn't fix everything but goes a long way to improve program behavior.

What it does not fix is the audio crackle and hiss in playback under OS 9, but you can mixdown audio to take care of that.

Look here for some great inf on Final Cut Pro with Pre-G3 & Beige G3 Upgraded Macs...

If you are getting type 12 errors running FCP 2 on a Pre G3 mac, go here and download "FCP2Init"

Credit for FCP2Init to John Brisbin

Also look here for great information

works for me..... :-)

John Locke February 13th, 2003 02:49 PM

Fcp 4
Any word on FCP 4?

Steve Nunez February 13th, 2003 05:13 PM

Scene to timeline for cinema look-FCP3???
Hey guys,

I've read various tips for making "film-like" video using 2 video tracks directly on top of each other and then applying the "de-interlace" filter varying the fields and opacity and then rendering out.....problem is this:

I created a new blank sequence and imported a previously created sequence dropped right into the new blank timeline- when i double-click this new sequence to apply the "deinterlace" filter- it jumps back to the tab where the source sequence was located- so how can you apply 2 seperate filters (deinterlace) to each video track when it jumps back to the source of the sequence? I can't seem to apply the "deinterlacing" with variances to field and opacity because it jumps back to the source sequence...what am i doing wrong?
What are the proper steps to do what I am attempting to do?

Thanks everyone- you guys are fantastic.

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