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Marco Leavitt September 20th, 2003 05:19 PM

Audio levels for VHS
For outputting to VHS, what should I let the levels peak at in Final Cut? Can I go to 0?

Ted Springer September 20th, 2003 05:32 PM

You can go to zero, but try to make sure it is only for peaks. If you don't hear any distortion, it should be fine for VHS, as long as you are recording in "Hi-Fi". The linear track will add noise and the levels will be somewhat decreased but shouldn't distort at these same volume levels.

Marco Leavitt September 20th, 2003 05:40 PM

Thanks. Appreciate it.

Richard Lin September 20th, 2003 10:43 PM

wedding video capture

i am editing a wedding video with FCP 4, and i was curious as to what to do about capture. The ceremony is 45 minutes long, and i was wondering if it is better if i just capture the WHOLE thing as one clip or would it be better to capture it in segments, sync up the segments and then export it for DVD? Does the Mac have a file size limit or anything that would hinder me from just capturing the entire thing as one clip? (this is my first time with a mac...hehe....just made the big switch)

Jeff Donald September 20th, 2003 11:01 PM

You shouldn't have any trouble with capturing your wedding as one long clip. OS 9, had troubles capturing scenes over 2gb.

Richard Lin September 21st, 2003 10:57 AM

thanks for the info, i will just capture it as one clip then.

Howard Black September 21st, 2003 11:58 AM

Thank you for your reply. How do I get Final Cut Express to capture from the 3rd and 4th channel (ST -2 on my Canon XL-1s). If I attempt to capture the second time the original two audio tracks (channel 1 and 2) once again get recaptured. I am trying to use a wirless microphone on the 3rd and 4th tracks. It plays back just fine using the MIX feature on the audio outputs but does not transfer to FCE using the firewire cable

Jeff Donald September 21st, 2003 12:26 PM

I use FCP, but in checking the FCE specs I don't see a limitation of capturing only 2 channels. You will need to change your capture preferences to reflect the 32kHz, 12 bit audio of 4 channel. You should see an option in the capture window to capture channels 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 once all the preferences are set correctly. You might want to use the FCE help feature also. Search audio capture and see what it displays.

Mike Scoboria September 22nd, 2003 08:49 AM

final Cut Pro - Device Control
Hi everybody!

I have a little problem that hopefully someone can shed some light on. I use the XL1 to capture video from and to export it back. No problem when I use the Log and Capture window and the Print to Video command. I also found that I can control the camera by simply playing what is on the timeline, which I like a lot since I can run the video through my camera to a broadcast moniter. Unfortunately it only seems to work half the time and I don't understand why. Has anyone else had this problem and come up with a solution?


Simon Davies September 22nd, 2003 02:15 PM

DVD capture in FCP

do you know if it's possible to capture a clip from a retail DVD movie playing in my G4's internal DVD drive and import it directly into FCP 3?



Ken Tanaka September 22nd, 2003 02:24 PM

Features on DVD are protected by international copyright laws and are also generally protected from direct duplication. While there may be ways to circumvent a dvd's copy protections we will not host such discussions at DVInfo.net.

Glenn Chan September 22nd, 2003 04:40 PM

It will depend on whether or not your camera was turned on/off when FCP starts. If FCP does not detect your camera then it will not output video down through firewire. Also, it will not do this if your external video settings are turned off (under preferences somewhere).

Ted Springer September 22nd, 2003 05:00 PM

I have a stand alone DV converter box for this (Sony DVMC-DA1, though the DA2 is the current model). It works 100% of the time for playback, but does not capture well when you input analog via FCP4.

I've never seen the XL1 not work doing this same thing, though. What version of Final Cut Pro are you using and what does it do when it doesn't work?

Nawaf Alali September 23rd, 2003 08:38 AM

motherboards and Premiere compatibility issues
are there any motherboard brands that would have compatibility issues with Premiere 6.5?
I'm assembling a new PC, and I have the choice between: ASUS, MSI and Gygabite motherboards (I had to exclude Intel because of RAM issues). do you have any preference?

Rob Belics September 23rd, 2003 08:51 AM

Any motherboard that has issues with Premiere will also have issues with Windows. Motherboards for personal computers are not designed with applications in mind because the designer does not know what applications you will run. Only the OS is taken into consideration.

Any of those motherboards should work with Premiere.

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