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Jeff Donald September 8th, 2003 05:39 AM

The burner is a standard Pioneer burner (there is a rumor that some are getting
Sony burners) and trays get stuck. Possibly defective in manufacture or misaligned during shipment.

The ram question is best directed towards Apple or the ram vendor. This is the first I've heard of the ram only in pairs for G5's. Perhaps direct this question to Apple. I suspect it may be incompatible or defective ram chip.

Heath McKnight September 8th, 2003 01:27 PM

G5's--it's official, Ram has to be put in in pairs
I talked to a genius and he said ram can't be put in one at a time in the G5, but it has to be put inside in pairs.

In the 1.8 ghz and dual 2 ghz, it has two 256 mb chips instead of one 512 mb. My 1.6 ghz machine has two 128 mb chips (I remember when 128 mb was huge, as was 256 mb).


Glenn Chan September 8th, 2003 02:15 PM

Some programs don't actually show you what your footage looks like (i.e. Final Cut Pro). You should check on a NTSC monitor or export a frame and look at it in Photoshop or something.

Some stretching algorithms are better than others. Also, it can depend on how you apply it. In Photoshop it is better to resize in small steps.

Ted Springer September 8th, 2003 04:22 PM

You can do this in Final Cut Pro. Click on a video clip in the timeline to bring up its attributes in the left preview window (depending on how you have your FCP GUI set up). Click the "Motion" tab. Click "Distort" or "Distortion" (I don't have FCP right in front of me). See all those numbers? Take any number that says "240" and change it to "310". Likewise if it says "-240" then change it to "-310". You will have to render it from there.

Jeff Donald September 8th, 2003 07:02 PM

To the best of my knowledge AE 5.0 works on 9.2.2 Adobe has a forum you can ask, have you tried them? Sorry I can't be more specific, I moved to OS X over 2 years ago.

Jeremiah Hall September 8th, 2003 08:40 PM

5.5 runs under OS9.2.2. Pretty sure 5.0 does as well. AE6 doesn't, according to Adobe's website.

Glen Irvine September 9th, 2003 12:11 AM

Thanks. Glen

Mike Bluestone September 9th, 2003 03:05 AM

Thanks very much for your help, both of you

Ben Nicholson September 9th, 2003 10:18 AM

Analogue footage: what happened to the colour?
I'm currently converting a couple of my Dad's old VHS tapes to digital, and from there to DVD, via FCE.
The VHS tapes are themselves copies of some older format; they're documentaries of an expedition my Dad went on in 1971, driving Range Rovers from Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego.

I have to dub the VHS tapes onto MiniDV first of all (using a Sony MiniDV deck), because for some reason I can't capture the analogue footage directly in FCE. All tapes are PAL format.

Anyway, the first tape went fine; I could capture with no problem, and the footage looks fine (if a bit grainy & old). However, when I tried to capture the dubbed footage from the second tape, the captured footage was black & white; I tested the VHS tape first on a VCR & TV, so I know it should have colours!

Both tapes are PAL format, and I used exactly the same equipment & settings for both sessions of dubbing & capture.

So why is one tape fine (and in colour), while the other appears only in black & white?

Tim Tonner September 9th, 2003 03:26 PM

exporting project to VHS
I need to get my project from my Mac G4, running on OSX, to VHS...I presently am also firewired to a Panasonic AG-1000. I heard that you should be able to simply hit play in your project window, then hit record on the device you are recording to. However, as there are no outputs from a Mac comparable to a standard VHS deck, do I attempt to play my project through my DV deck(which does have RCA outputs to the VHS deck) as a kind of interface to the VHS deck? How do I go about getting my rough project to VHS?

Glenn Chan September 9th, 2003 04:27 PM

You should use your deck to convert from DV to analog. Print to tape is supposed to help when printing off to DV tape (because it adds in black in the beginning) but playing from the timeline will also work (just make sure your playhead is parked on a black frame before playing your project on the timeline).

John Locke September 10th, 2003 01:09 AM

FCP: Viewing Gamma S curve
With FCP 3.0, how can you view the gamma curve? The only thing I've found for adjusting levels and curves are numerical inputs.

Tim Tonner September 10th, 2003 06:06 AM

Thanks for the info...however, will the VHS deck record with such a configuration? In other words, does the DV deck simply just have to be turned on, with outputs leading from it to the VHS deck, to get a successful VHS tape to record the project? I guess I'll give it a shot...

Glenn Chan September 10th, 2003 09:55 AM

I don't think FCP has curves.

CHV has a free plug-in for curves I believe. see http://www.digitalzoo.com.au/lunchtime/ for a list of where to get filters.

John Locke September 10th, 2003 10:13 AM

Good link. Thanks, Glenn. I'll check out CHV.

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