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Chris Korrow June 26th, 2003 03:40 PM

Hey Vince,
Great to know that your on the list. Looking forward to getting FCP4 tomorrow. Did you do any work on it?

Michael Westphal June 26th, 2003 04:02 PM

Only guessing
Who (here) can really know until it happens?

The G5 is big and requires a large volume to provide for cooling devices, fins and fans and such. Until this package can be made smaller, you won't see them in smaller Macs. AND the cost is also a bit high for cheaper boxes. Maybe if Apple used solid state cooling devices, they could stick a G5 in a smaller box, but that might imply a different power source than batteries.

The G4 is available NOW in a small iBook sized laptop.
The G3 iBook fits its niche nicely. I would expect them to disappear sometime soon, and maybe the price will drop on the G4 PowerBook.

Vince Denali June 26th, 2003 04:34 PM

Nope. I just worked on FCP in 1998-99.

Joshua Kopple June 26th, 2003 10:08 PM

Installing 160 Gig HD on G4 - D'oh!
Hey Fellas,

Just got my G4 about three months ago and just picked up a Western Digital 160 gig HD, 7200 RPM with 8 meg cache.

After some fiddling, I found the release latch on the drive bay that holds the original 80 gig HD.

I've tried setting the jumpers on this new HD at "Slave" and at "Cable Select" and plugging it into the additional 40-pin, female cable that the original HD uses to plug into the mobo.

When I boot up, no error messages but no second hard drive on the desktop. I hit info on the HD icon just to see if maybe it subsumed the 160 gigs to make it a 240 gig drive but it did not.

What should I do? I could try the other 3.5" bay, which actually has two bays and plugging into that connector. Or I could try the controller that came with the HD but I can't even find a spot to plug it in on the mobo - all the avail slots are much longer PCI slots than this one needs.

You can chat me on AIM at DaGrouch99 if you want to walk me through it - (I'll be chatting on my PC while working on Mac).



Ken Tanaka June 26th, 2003 10:48 PM

It sounds like you've not yet formatted the drive for Mac OS. See this thread.

Joshua Kopple June 27th, 2003 01:27 AM

You're my hero.
<<<-- Originally posted by Ken Tanaka : Joshua,
It sounds like you've not yet formatted the drive for Mac OS. See this thread. -->>>

Ken, you rock man. I wish that somewhere on that WD installation sheet they'd have given me some indication of looking in the Disk Utility for the HD. Oh well.

Moving all my current media off the original HD as we speak and will proceed on to next project.

Thanks a million,


Bill Ravens June 27th, 2003 07:34 AM

you may want to reconsider...read charlie white's review at:

Guest June 27th, 2003 10:19 AM

Thanks Dean,

I know that I hit the spacebar too hard with my thumb and that my arm rests are too hard.

Anyone else have RSI experience? I'm just trying to wade through all the mis-information.


Robert Knecht Schmidt June 27th, 2003 12:18 PM

One of the things to try is learning to use the mouse in both hands. That way you can switch off. It seems difficult at first, but it's not nearly as tough as learning to write with both hands! Having a cordless mouse makes this easier. In your case, you have a trackball--try using that with your "other" hand. (Is a non-dominant hand a submissive hand?)

In yoga class we do a stretch that works wonders for computer users. Get on your hands and knees with your fingers spread wide apart and your thumbs stretched out pointing towards each other. Then gently rock your body frame back and forth, pressing into the front of your palm--the idea is to stretch your hand backwards, reducing the angle your hand makes with your forearm to 90° or less. Easy does it! Flexibility will come with time, and you'll find RSI symptoms reduced as well.

The exercise may be enhanced by reversing your hands so that your fingers point backward toward your knees, then sitting back on your legs. Like all yoga, improvement comes with repetition, not strain.

This link contains more exercises you may or may not find to be useful.

Nigel Moore June 27th, 2003 01:08 PM

I use a PC at home and work (and a Mac occasionally at home). My biggest concern is a tingling in my elbow...the same arm that I use to muse with. I figure that I'm putting pressure on it as it rests on the desk. Elbow mats, if anything, seem to make it worse.

But it may also be exacerbated by the fact that I sometimes carry a heavy briefcase.

Paul Mogg June 28th, 2003 08:35 AM

I don't own a DVX100 but have seen it blown up to 35mm and projected on a 40" screen, where it totally fell apart and displayed such awful DV pixelation, ghosting and other motion atiifacts that I would NEVER choose to use it for anything other than small screen work. The JVC has many times more picture resolution than the DVX100, and though I haven't seen it on a large screen yet, my feeling is that it will hold up much much better due to the HD resolution. The color on it is also excellent and I haven' t seen a problem with shadow detail, just with highlights blowing out, which can be controlled wth ND filters. the camera controls are pretty consumerish though.

Jeff Donald June 28th, 2003 10:24 AM

It will be at least a year before G5's can be made that consume less power and have less of a heat issue. I would expect G5's in Powerbooks by the middle to end of 2004.

New G3's (IBM product) are coming that will be used in iBooks for another generation or two. Motorola has just released a new G4 that will power the iMacs, eMacs and Powerbooks for the coming year. The new G4's use less energy and run color, but have only a slight speed bump.

David Crompton June 30th, 2003 01:34 AM

Crashes while capturing
I am using FCP 3.0.4 on an Imac 800 mhz. When I try to capture to a partition that still has about 3 gigs left I keep getting the same thing. as soon as it starts capturing the image stalls in the capture window and I get the beach ball. When I force quit and check the capture folder there is a clip that is nearly 3 gigs. It seems to use the remnants of the drive for one (unusable) clip.

I had this problem a few months ago when I was trying to capture to an external firewire drive-then I read something about the imac using the same Firewire port for both input/outputs so I stopped trying that and only capure to my internal drive. Now this...Any theories about this? It's driving me crazy!

Matt Stahley June 30th, 2003 09:44 AM

DVD-SP motion menu
How do i lay a .PSD file over top of a looping video clip to create a menu in DVD studio pro 1.5.2.? Or is this not possible? Thanks for any info.

Jeff Donald June 30th, 2003 10:06 AM

I know this has been covered and is in Apple's DVD list. I have a link to it here about a month or so ago (sorry I'm late for an appointment and don't have time to look). You also need a blank layer and the layers need to be flattened first.

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