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Rob Lohman June 18th, 2003 03:31 PM

Do you have no picture on your monitor or on your firewire

Jeff Farris June 18th, 2003 11:20 PM

Help! 10.2.6 Killed My WiebeTech MicroGB-40
Being the Apple lemming that I am, I run all recommended software updates as they come up. I updated to 10.2.6 sometime last week, and for the first time today, tried to mount my WiebeTech MGB-40 external Firewire hard drive. The light comes on the drive, and it makes noise, but the icon does not come up on the screen and the System Profiler shows nothing on the Firewire bus.

I tried Apple's discussions, and I am not alone...searching for "10.2.6 firewire drive" brought up 185 responses. 184 of those were people with the same or similar problems and the last guy was whining about his Lisa not being OS-X compatible (I made that last part up).

What few workarounds that were offered usually involved booting in OS-9 and running disk utilities. I tried that, but the drive doesn't show up there, either.

Any help from the forum would be greatly appreciated. I have a couple of hours of video to capture to that drive.

Ricardo Vigil June 18th, 2003 11:33 PM

Audio out of sync while editing...what gives?
I apologize if this has already been discussed, I searched a bit for this problem before I posted.

The problem is while I am editing in FCE, or just playing back the file in the viewer or canvas, the audio is out of sync. (you know when people are talking, their lip movements are slightly behind the audio).

Is this a common problem? or rather what is causing this to happen? The DV files are all about 3-4Gb, but I have worked with these sizes before with no problem.

This has happend to me before on a Win2000 premiere system, but I restarted and it was fine. A friend told me that it was because Windows' memory needed to be dumped. But this shouldn't be the case in FCE because doesn't OSX handle memory more efficiently?


MDD G4 1.25, 7200 WD Drives, FCE

John Locke June 18th, 2003 11:38 PM

Raptor codec: Urgent help needed!
Is there such a thing as a Canopus Raptor codec for Final Cut Pro?

I've just received some footage that I can't open at all on a Mac...not with Windows Media, Quicktime, FCP, or Cleaner. I also tried opening it with Windows Media and Quicktime on a PC...no luck there either.

It was saved as a Quicktime AVI with no compression. Help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ken Tanaka June 18th, 2003 11:59 PM

I use a MicroGB 40Gb drive almost daily with 10.2.6 with no trouble...although that's no help to you.

I really recommend contacting WeibeTech directly on this. On the one occasion I had to contact them for support (via email) they were very helpful.

Ken Tanaka June 19th, 2003 12:37 AM

I use FCP, not FCE, so I do not have direct knowledge on your product. But in FCP's User Preferences there is a "Synch Audio" option which helps to keep audio in pace with video during long clips. You might want to check your preferences settings for the same, or similar, setting in FCE.

Nigel Moore June 19th, 2003 01:03 AM

The Raptor is a PCI card developed for the Windows platform. I cannot see Canopus developing a codec for an 'alien' OS and application.

But, then, while some swear by Can'o'puss, I swear at them.

Rob Lohman June 19th, 2003 05:18 AM

They might have a standalone codec for the PC (only registered
users can get into their download section on the site) but don't
expect one for the Mac.

It is still a DV stream just with a different codec. Changing the
FOURCC code in the AVI or extracting the raw DV stream might
be another way to access the file.

John Locke June 19th, 2003 07:03 AM

Folks, Rob the ubermensch saved the day. Through e-mail he guided me through the process of using a hex editor to enable opening the file.

Thanks, Rob!

Rob Lohman June 19th, 2003 08:47 AM

Thanks John. Nothing beats a bit of "voodoo-magic" sometime eh.

Chris Kay June 19th, 2003 02:35 PM

FCP 4 > all video out to NTSC monitor now B&W

Just when I think I've got things running well something else toasts out...

OSX 10.2.6
Aurora Igniter X

The techs. at Aurora said I had to re-install everything...the card drivers...OS and FCP...really hpoing I don't have to do that...any ideas, as always are appreciated!

Take care,


Guest June 21st, 2003 06:50 PM

ergonomics on the Mac?
Hi all. Anyone else out there have RSI? Editing long hours has gotten my right hand hurting quite a bit.

What are people using in terms of mice/trackballs, keyboards, A/V shuttles, keyboard trays, chairs?

I figure this must be a common problem in our community.

Right now I'm using a Logitech TrackMan trackball and a Apple Pro Keyboard.


Dean Sensui June 21st, 2003 10:03 PM


I work at an all-mac newspaper and a couple of people have been diagnosed with RSI.

It's hard to say what causes it. In my own case I'd noticed that I was pressing too hard on the mouse button and was developing an irritation in my palm. It requires only a very light pressure to activate it, so I made a conscious effort to tap lightly and avoided developing a repetitive strain injury.

Also, several years ago I'd started using a Wacom tablet and have since stopped using a mouse entirely. If I need finer position control I'll use a track ball.

Position of the mouse and height of the desk can make a difference. The keyboard and the mouse should actually be a lot lower, just around elbow level, so that you don't have to reach upward. It also lets you keep your hands in line with your forearms.

Here's a URL with some helpful info:


Dean Sensui
Base Two Productions

Hal Huntsman June 22nd, 2003 04:37 AM

16:9 XL1s and Adobe After Effects
I was just experimenting with 16:9 and editing in FCP is fine but how do I set the right screen size in After Effects? It seems like the none of the presets are the right size. Can someone help me?


Jeff Farris June 22nd, 2003 08:55 AM


I spent three days futzing with this problem, trying to reconfigure my computers so that they would recognize my drive again, when all along the problem was a bad Firewire cable.

It was a cable that I have relied on for 3 years or more...which may be part of the problem.

Lesson learned: Check the simple stuff first!

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