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Gary Chavez June 4th, 2003 05:20 AM

combo update wrinkle
i just got my system online, so naturally, the first thing i do is download the OSX upgrade combo. Have lost the viwer and browser windows off my 2nd (left side) monitor. computer seems to see it in prefrences. also, mouse now move in opposite direction.

any one? and thanks.

Gary Chavez June 4th, 2003 10:07 AM

nevermind, again.

Duane Martin June 4th, 2003 10:34 AM

There is always a way.

Drag your still from your viewer to your canvas and drop it on either Overwrite with Transition or Insert with Transition. FCP 4 should allow an even easier button or quick key to be assigned.

To semi-automate the operation, lay in a series of stills onto your timeline. Then, making sure your playhead is set to the beginning of the series, select the series in the timeline (dragging a marquee around them is the easiest way) and drag them up into the canvas, until you see the option "Overwrite: With Transition". Drop you selection here. Back on your timeline, you will see all of your stills with your default transition set in place (likely a cross dissolve, but you can change it under the Effects menu).

As an additional note on this, remember that any sequence can work as a template for future work. If you find you regularly create a series of stills with the same motion, effects and transitions, keep that sequence as a template (ie duplicate it, and call it "My favourite transitions". You can then simply copy from another still, and paste attributes, content into a still in the sequence you want to change. Only the content changes, not the parameters you had set previously. Repeat for the rest of the stills. I am sure you can see how this "a Sequence is a Template" technique has some far ranging implications, especially for people who produce wedding videos or other projects that are likely based on templates.

Good luck. Hope this was helpful.

Jeff Chandler June 4th, 2003 11:02 AM

Thanks, Duane. That's exactly the info I was looking for. Not as simple as Premiere, but certainly not difficult either. I've discovered over the years that no matter what the editing system there is usally a way to do what you want, sometimes it just requires a workaround! Again, thanks for the assist.

Duane Martin June 4th, 2003 11:26 AM

Jeff, take a look at the posting I made again as I thought a little longer and revised my original post. It just keeps getting simpler.

Duane Martin June 4th, 2003 11:30 AM

I was under the impression that FCP 3 in OS X did not support AE plug ins. Can someone let me know if my understanding is correct or not? Preferably someone using a specific AE plug-in describing what version of FCP 3 they are using and what version of OX X.

Rob Lohman June 4th, 2003 01:21 PM

There are programs that can record (to an avi) changes that
occur on your screen (these tools are usually used to make
instruct videos to learn someone else a tool). These might do
what you want if you can't find any other way...

Jeff Chandler June 4th, 2003 01:53 PM

Thanks again, Duane. Worked like a charm!

Rob Lohman June 4th, 2003 02:07 PM

Somewhere... there is a question in there! What settings did
you use in Cleaner?

Nigel Moore June 4th, 2003 02:45 PM

After Effects 5 can import SWFs and export AVIs. I've never used it to convert one to the other before though.

Michael Westphal June 4th, 2003 08:53 PM

With MPEG you have to multiplex the audio, I believe. (Can't get to Cleaner at the moment to remember the exact wording of the setting... my first tries had no audio either.)

Andrew Hogan June 5th, 2003 05:38 AM

If you are using AE 5.5 which is for OSX then apparently some pluggins but not all will work if dragged into the pluggins folder in FCP 3 (runnning in OSX)

I installed the Boris BCC pluggins into AE 5.5 and FCP3 and RED 2.5.2 and they all work on my G4 running OS 10.2.5

My Virtex pluggins I installed in AE and FCP versions as above

Bill Markel June 5th, 2003 10:49 AM

The official word!!!
Here's the word straight from the horses mouth.


Marco Leavitt June 5th, 2003 12:09 PM

Upgrade path from Final Cut Express announced

William Velasquez June 5th, 2003 01:15 PM

Apple Releases Final Cut Pro 4 at 4:00 p.m. on June 14
Just wanted to share this news with the community


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