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Lynne Whelden May 28th, 2003 08:59 PM

simple imovie2 question
When feeding two separate channels of audio off a miniDV tape via firewire into imovie2, does it end up mixing the two down to one channel or am I missing something here? For separation of two channels, do you have to go to FCP or can imovie do that? If so, how?

Stylianos Moschapidakis May 28th, 2003 10:45 PM

Lynne, I posted the same question today myself, but haven't gotten any solid answers yet.

Hope someone will respond to your threat with THE answer.

Nick Hiltgen May 28th, 2003 11:53 PM

Switching to PAL
Hi I'm new to the forum so if this question has already been asked please forgive me. I'm using FC3.01 and upuntil now I've been working on an NTSC system. Well due to some technical reading and a good deal on ebay I've sold my XL-1 NTSC and bought a PAL xl-1 but I"mhaving hella problems with FCP. First I noticed that when i was importing video in NTSC that was 16:9 the program went ahead and letterboxed it for me but would not do that when I imported the footage in PAL. I played around with my settings and switched everything over to PAL but now either my program won't load or when it does it won't read my camera a a deck, I know that the camera works because I was usigng ti to import footage before I started messing around with it. Has anyone else made this switch or does anyone have any suggestions?

Joe Lloyd May 29th, 2003 09:39 AM

did you just switch your settings or trash your prefs? I switched from PAL to NTSC and ended up missing one setting and the same thing happened. Try trashing your pref and see if that helps.

Nick Hiltgen May 29th, 2003 09:51 AM

I feel like a real twit, turns out I had an NTSC project open with all of my audio vdeo settings switched over to PAL. Opened up a new project with the new settings everything worked perfectly (as happens so often with FCP) even the 16:9 was letter boxed. No just a matter of getting good sound and audio to go into the project...
Thanks Joe.

Joe Lloyd May 29th, 2003 09:52 AM

Man don't worry I was sitting there for 3 days complaining to my wife before I realized I hadnt switched from PAL to NTSC.. It happens...

Gary Chavez May 29th, 2003 01:14 PM

help, rookie shooting mistake
shot with shutter @ 1/250 under florecent lights, yeah, i kn ow, how could i? shooting kids....makes me in inattentive and crazy.
anyway, how can i take 1 frame and strech it out for 5-10 seconds?

Matt Stahley May 29th, 2003 01:28 PM

There is no way of seperating the audio that is imported in from the camera into L & R tracks as far as i know.You can stack audio tracks on top of each other if you need to mix more than 2 seperate stereo tracks.This works pretty well say for a voice over on top of a music track on top of camera audio but if you start overlapping too many tracks its gets complicated telling them apart in the audio timeline.

Gary Chavez May 29th, 2003 01:38 PM

nevermind, found "freeze frame" function.

Ricardo Vigil May 29th, 2003 11:12 PM

video monitor preview. how to??

I was thinking that I would like to monitor the video I work on in FCP. But I have no idea how to go about doing this.

How do I send a video out to a tv monitor from my Mac? Do I need to get another video card with composite or s-video outputs? How would I send just the preview from FCP to that output?

please steer me in the right direction. Thanks.

Scott Burbank May 29th, 2003 11:34 PM

Hi Ricardo

Firewire cable out of mac into your camera then, video and audio cables (RCA) out of camera and in to TV with RCA inputs.

good luck

Boyd Ostroff May 30th, 2003 07:42 AM

You can also get a second PCI video card that has s-video out, like you suggest. I have a Radeon 7000 Mac edition that I sometimes use for this. It supports two monitors each with independent resolutions. So, I can actually use 3 or 4 screens: 21" studio display connected to the G4's original AGP card, 15" LCD connected to the Radeon 7000's VGA port, and s-video to a 27" Sony WEGA. I often use a switchbox to toggle the WEGA between my camcorder's s-video (via firewire) and the Radeon, but I could actually connect a 4th monitor to the camcorder.

In FCP, under the external video setting you can choose either of the Radeon's screens or firewire. The PCI card cost a bit over $100.

Glen Elliott May 30th, 2003 10:23 AM

Posting question for a Mac using friend....
My friends G4 just decided not to recognize his firewire any more. He tried connecting more than one camera and iFilm doesn't detect it. I also believe he checked in the device manager (or whatever the mac equivalent is) and it doesn't see the port. No settings were changed, nor were any new software/hardware installed. The only thing he did recently was remove the firewire cable. I don't see how that could cause the Mac to not be able to connect to any cameras or not detect the port?! Any advice in what he can do? Thanks in advance!

Jeff Price May 30th, 2003 11:52 AM

Probably the first thing to check is the cable itself. It is possible to fry a firewire port but a bad cable seems to be a more likely culprit.

I was having all sorts of problems getting a firewire drive to be recognized until I switched cables.

Stylianos Moschapidakis May 30th, 2003 12:08 PM

Thank you, guys.

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