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Robert Rogoz February 1st, 2009 05:25 PM

scrolling text
I was asked about a project. It's supposed to be a promotional video- rap music. She also wanted scrolling text on the bottom synchronized with lyrics. Live-Type? What would be the best approach? Thanks!

Shaun Roemich February 1st, 2009 06:46 PM

Does it NEED to scroll? The way I handle timed text on screen (normally translations) is to use the built in FCP titler and cut the text generator on the timeline where the change occurs, double click on the new text generator in the timeline to load it into the canvas and type the new text and repeat as necessary, dragging either the in point or out point out to the required length. Very fast and maintains formating such as screen location, size, font, drop shadow etc.

Robert Rogoz February 1st, 2009 07:47 PM

well, that was client's request. I'll try co change her mind, particularly it's going for the web for distribution. Thanks for info!

Paul E. Coleman February 1st, 2009 10:53 PM

Both LiveType and Final Cut Pro...
have Scrolling Title effects. LiveType has a few more scrolling text effects, but Final Cut's might be easier to execute if you're already using Final Cut to edit. Final Cut's scrolling text resides in the little filmstrip icon lower right in the viewer > Text: Scrolling Text. LiveType's Scrolling text can be found in the Media Browser > Effects: Scrolls and Crawls.

Give the "Client" what they want first - suggest an alternative second. Show 'em both but at least try to give them what they asked for. It could be a difference of more co$t (for more effort) so the end result could be in your favor and their (perceived) favor, like you're trying to save them a buck.

Shaun Roemich February 2nd, 2009 03:00 PM

Understood about offering what the client asks for. The reason I brought it up is that scrolling text is usually constant speed which USUALLY doesn't work well for something like translations or lyrics on screen, unless the cadence is consistent. Many clients use the wrong verbiage often and in my business I try to understand the INTENT, and not just give them what they ask for. That's the only reason I suggested that scrolling might not be the best/only solution.

Andy Mees February 4th, 2009 09:00 AM

Any reason you cant throw the scroll on as usual and then time remap as needed?

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