Andrew Dryden |
January 24th, 2009 11:57 AM |
Capture HDV to ProRes time?
I am in the midst of my first HDV capture from my XHA1. After reading late into the night last night about what was the best capture solution (and making some silly mistakes) I started the camera capturing and transcoding to ProRes (standard quality) and went to bed. I woke up this morning to all my files I started the next tape. The camera has now finished going through the entire tape and is now "processing" the footage. This has resulted in the capture taking probably about 4-6x the original length of the tape. Its a 60 min tape that ran and has now been processing for an hour after reaching the end and is only 25% of the way through. Did I do something wrong? Does it really take this long to capture HDV and transcode to ProRes? I am using FCS2 6.0.5 on a Mac Pro dual core, dual 2.66 processor machine, 2gb Ram. The video is being captured to a WD 1TB drive hooked up via USB and the camera was hooked up via Firewire, but now it is just sitting since it has reached the end of the tape. If this is the actual time required to capture and go to ProRes, will it be much faster capturing HDV and then setting my timeline to ProRes and only transcoding the parts I need to render?? I am ok with that workflow...especially if it saves me hours of waiting for captures....