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John Lofton IV September 16th, 2008 01:39 PM

Error Accessing XDCam Media on Compact Flash card in Final Cut Pro
1 Attachment(s)
*UPDATE* The camera was in fact a Sony Z7U. In order to properly use Log and Transfer with FCP 6.0.4 and the Z7U's footage, you need to download and install this small, Sony (proprietary of course), plugin here:


Hope this helps.!!


Today our DP shot some footage using a Sony XDCAM in the 108024P VBR format onto both a mini-dv tape and a SanDisk Extreme III 16GB Compact Flash card.

After checking playback he gave the compact flash card to me and I have been unable to import it into FCP 6.0.4

Usually I can use Final Cut Pro's Log and Transfer program to import the footage very easily directly from the compact flash cards. However, whenever I navigate to the appropriate "VIDEO" folder on the compact flash card and try to import the footage it give me this error:


"VIDEO" contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media

And returns to Log and Transfer.

When using Finder, I can see all of the video files on the compact flash card. There are corresponding .M2T and .IDX files as well as a single 'tracks.dat' file. The directory structure is as follows -->


Computer / Software Information

Apple G5 Power Mac 7,2

CPU TYPE: PowerPC 970

Dual 1.8Ghz

L2 Cache (per CPU) 512 KB

Memory: 5 GB

USB 2.0

Final Cut Pro 6.0.4

I've attached a screenshot, hopefully this will help. I am on a 5pm deadline for 2 30 second spots and haven't even started editing yet. Any help is EXTREMELY APPRECIATED!!

Thank You.

Noah Kadner September 16th, 2008 02:22 PM

Recorded onto a Compact Flash- how was that done? Do you mean recorded on Blu-Ray or SxS and then copied onto Compact Flash? From which camera- EX1?


Robert Lane September 16th, 2008 03:11 PM


I'm assuming your footage came from either the Sony S270 or Z7, because these are the only cameras that can shoot to tape, CF cards or both. However this is not the XDCAM format, it's HDV. XDCAM would have been on XDCAM disc (Blu-Ray), SxS card or output HD-SDI to another recorder.

There is a category on the forum for these cameras which will have detailed info on how to handle their footage:

Sony HVR-Z7 / HVR-S270 - The Digital Video Information Network

...however, you will need a plug-in from Sony to capture the footage from the CF card. I don't have the link but check that forum and you should find it quickly.

John Lofton IV September 16th, 2008 03:30 PM

Corrections and Exceptions
Hey Robert, you were right. Turns out it was the Z7U and that the plugin was needed. The DP came by my office and we spent an hour tracking it down online!

Thanks everyone.

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