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Mathieu Ghekiere March 1st, 2008 02:53 PM

How to get the warm look from Magic Bullet into Color...

I've began experimenting in Color, with the help of some tutorials on Lynda, and I like the program a lot. But when I used to use Magic Bullet for Premiere Pro on the PC, you could get this amazing footage, just by using the Warmish filter.

Does anyone know how to get that kind of footage into Color?
The warm colours, the soft blow outs, the light glow without loosing the detail or looking soapish...

I'm not expecting a quick filter - I know it will take a lot more into Color, but I don't mind, I've already experimented and found out how to get some things, but if someone has advice of how to get a warm filmic look into Color, that would be nice, it would help me learn the program much better also. Or just point out to some key moves that help a lot.

Best regards,

Matthew Pugerude March 1st, 2008 03:29 PM

Silly question
hey Mathieu, This might be silly but did you link in the Color FX tab at the top then load your clip and finally go to the Color FX Bin. There are a few presets already made. You could also tweak warm glow to possibly get the look you are after.

If you have done that then I am just as lost as you are because I am just getting in to color myself.


Mathieu Ghekiere March 3rd, 2008 03:21 AM

Hi Matthew,

I've only tried a couple of them out, but I was a bit dissapointed with them... The warm Glow film look looked very washed out in colors...
I'll look further anyhow.
Best regards,

Matthew Pugerude March 3rd, 2008 10:56 AM


I did not think that it would be a quick fix for you but maybe you could tweak the setting to get the look you want. All of those presets are customizable one could be a good start. you also really get to understand how the program works when you start working backwards from a preset. Well at least I figure out a program faster that way.


Mathieu Ghekiere March 3rd, 2008 11:56 AM

I'll definately try that, thanks!

Don't get me wrong: I love Color and it's capabilities, and it forces me to be better in Color Correction. Just don't know how to get those results I am after.

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