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James Brill January 6th, 2008 08:04 PM

Missing Batch window
I started compressor today for the first time after downloading the upgrades for final cut 6 and I am missing the batch window. At first there are no windows but I just go to window and select them all back up but I still can't get the batch window. I went to bring all to front and tried opening a new batch but still no batch window. Any ideas? I also have leopard and I was able to get it to work on tiger with the patches installed.

David Warren January 16th, 2008 06:22 PM

i have the same problem.. any ideas?
some quick research suggest there are many people with this problem.. some suggest reinstalling compressor, via instructions from apple.. i havnt tried this yet but i probabally will when i get home.

Mark Bournes January 17th, 2008 08:50 PM

Are you talking about the batch monitor icon at the top right to see your project progress? Click on that if you want to see your progress.

James Brill January 19th, 2008 02:29 AM

I mean I can't start a new batch or anything. I pretty much can't use compressor and I have re installed it.

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