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-   -   FCP Sequence Preset with 25f Footage (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/final-cut-suite/108954-fcp-sequence-preset-25f-footage.html)

Jonathan Shaw November 27th, 2007 03:12 PM

FCP Sequence Preset with 25f Footage
Hi All,
Firstly thanks for all the great info on this site, it is awesome. I am new to this forum and this may be a simple problem but when I capture HDV 25f footage from my A1 into FCP all fine, but when I drop the footage into the timeline it needs rendered. What is the correct sequence preset for the Canon 25f footage?



David Chia November 28th, 2007 02:48 AM

Check your timeline setting, remove your footage from the timeline, and then go to the Sequence tab, Click setting , change your compression setting to the correct one that your footage is filmed in.

Then bring in your footage again to see if they are green, if they are still red, just remove them and repeat the steps above .

You cannot change the timeline setting when there is footage on it.

Chris Hurd November 28th, 2007 09:25 AM

Moved here from Canon XH.

Jonathan Shaw November 29th, 2007 12:44 AM

Just gone through all the HDV settings and tried still red...

Works fine with HDV 50i but not 25F

I am using FCS 5.1.4... is it only found FCS 6?



Jim Press December 1st, 2007 07:04 AM

I've had no problems using 1080(p) 25f with the XH G1. I've used "easy setup" in FCS2/FCP6.0 at both HDV and DV (to allow footage shot in HD to be viewable in SD/ PAL 4:3). If you're "easy setup" is one of these I can't think of any reason why it's coming up as unrendered. Sorry Jon--not much help but just letting you know it works for me...

Jonathan Shaw December 1st, 2007 04:59 PM

Thanks, I have FCP 5 not 6 and there is a setting of 1080 p 25 which I have tried but no joy. Does the easy setup on FCP 6 actually state 1080 p 25 f.

Hopefully I won't have to upgrade just yet?

Thanks for your help


Update: Actually just tried again, re-saved and works. Have not idea what I was doing wrong

Thanks again


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