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Jorge Mendoza November 13th, 2007 04:37 AM

new macbook santarosa and finalcut studio 2?
hello from andaluzia
my questions is, the macbook have the intel gma x3000 graphics, with the intel gma 950 is no compatible, but it is with the x3000? the macbookpro is very expensive, i need a portable for work, thanks

Nate Benson November 13th, 2007 09:15 AM

the macbook wont run FCS2 effciently, if at all.
take the hit financially and go with the macbook pro.
it's a bummer but unfortunately thats the way it is.
however Macbook pro is a fantstic machine, you wont be disappointed.

Jorge Mendoza November 14th, 2007 03:41 AM

ok i will try to make more money for the macboook pro, thanks

Chris Harris November 15th, 2007 01:09 AM

I haven't tried FCS2 on a Macbook, as I only have FCS1, but I heard that FCS2 works decently, aside from Motion and Color. Not sure though. I'd wait for more feedback.

Jorge Mendoza November 15th, 2007 03:15 AM

on mini mac install the suite and only work dvd studio pro, live type, soundtrack, the others no, final 5 works well

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