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Dana Salsbury September 26th, 2007 03:16 PM

Applying FCP transition to a lasso'd group
I just did a realtime multicam edit and want to apply the dissolve transition to every transition. To do it one by one would take forever. Can I lasso the whole batch of clips an apply the same transition to them all?

Victor Kellar September 26th, 2007 05:54 PM

Multiple select all the clips. Drag those clips as one into the Browser. Now drag that over to Overwrite with Transistion ... the default trans is the cross dissolve

Dana Salsbury September 26th, 2007 06:01 PM

Thank you Victor. I tried that and in the timeline it gave me a bunch of red boxes indicating that I was out of sync by +29, etc. Where did I go wrong?

Daniel Ross September 26th, 2007 06:12 PM

Are you out of sync?
I've gotten those for various reasons (some known, some unknown) before and the audio was just fine.
Sometimes, I think, it will chose another instance of audio to attach to, then think it's off.

However, one possibility is that the audio was left as is and the video was brought back 29 frames (not 30?), with your transition's overlap.

Dana Salsbury September 26th, 2007 06:27 PM

Both the audio and the video showed the red boxes.

I found a link that walked me through it, and they recommended disabling the audio. I did that and locked it with the same results.

In the video, he has no problems, and I'm mirroring him exactly. The transitions are added, but I'm out of sync with the sound. Aack!

Jonathan Schwartz September 26th, 2007 10:23 PM

Out of Synch Issue

This happens to me quite often. Two possible culprits.
1) Make sure your cursor is at the beginning of the sequence when you do the overwrite.

2) Most common problem I run into is that there is a hole in the timeline where I deleted some footage but never closed the gap. When you overwrite these holes make everything out of synch. You can normally tell where they are by when the synch issue starts. Zoom in on your timeline and see if you can find the gap. Close it. Then try the overwrite again.

Hope this helps.

Jonathan Schwartz
Owner, CA Video Productions

Dana Salsbury September 26th, 2007 11:19 PM

Thank you Jonathan. This thing is due tomorrow and I thought I was dead meat. You saved the day! the cursor wasn't *quite* at the beginning -- just a few ticks in. I owe you one!!!

Jonathan Schwartz September 27th, 2007 10:12 AM

No Problem

Glad I could help. Congats on getting the job done it time!

Jonathan Schwartz
Owner, CA Video Productions

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