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Old April 14th, 2011, 10:40 AM   #76
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Re: Thoughts on new FCP X Sneak Peek

Noise reduction: Izotope RX 2 ... nothing comes close.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 11:13 AM   #77
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Jon Chappell's thoughts on FCP X:

My thoughts on Final Cut Pro X - Digital Rebellion Blog

And his excellent Digital Rebellion products will be compatible once FCP X ships:

Final Cut Pro X and Digital Rebellion products - Digital Rebellion Blog

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Old April 14th, 2011, 11:20 AM   #78
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Interesting report Heath. I have a few comments.

I didn't think FCP had native file support but needed all files to be converted or at least in a Quicktime wrapper of some sort yet native support checked on the chart with 4 boxes !!! To my knowledge still doesn't support AVCHD. Vegas and Edius support native files straight from the camera to timeline with no conversion to anything else. Also Edius does have customizable keyboard commands and workspace and a multitrack audio mixer even in Edius 5.5 much improved for Edius V6 the 2011 product.

One of the strengths of Vegas is its scripting also not checked on the charts. The customization of controls and layout of these two programs allows me to set them to use a Shuttle ProV2 with the same actions initiated by the same buttons for both programs and the screen layouts are much the same too. I mainly use Vegas for audio and Edius for video. Both have free floating windows that can be moved or nested to make the workspace truly customizable across many screens. Different layouts can be saved for performing different actions. I have mine across two 24" monitors and also to an external TV monitor.

Maybe an update of the report with latest products would be useful.

Ron Evans
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Old April 14th, 2011, 11:27 AM   #79
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Vegas supports OpenCL and now uses OpenFX for it's plug-in interface. Boris Effects already has some tools for it.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 11:35 AM   #80
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Re: Thoughts on new FCP X Sneak Peek

Any talk of native import of Panasonic MXF files? Is this already in FCP?

Second step/conversion to ProRes 422 before application to the timeline? How is this handled now?
Thane Silliker, London, Ontario
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Old April 14th, 2011, 12:53 PM   #81
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Too soon to ask I guess, but I think a nice bonus would be able to keep our existing FCP suite and have FCPX installed on the same machine. Some clients might take a long time to switch to something this new, but I'm ready to start ASAP for my own projects. As a former Vegas (and way before that--Speed Razor) editor I'm a big fan of the new Magnetic Timeline feature.

It seems to me that Apple will sell more of these if they allow both versions to live side-by-side on the same machine. Is that possible do you think?

Last edited by Jeff Krepner; April 15th, 2011 at 06:07 AM.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 01:56 PM   #82
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

I will miss the nice light grey color of the current FCP and its clean layout.

Looks like there's so much clutter on the screen, reminds me of a video game.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 02:31 PM   #83
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

I am quite amazed by all the negative reactions on the web.

"Final Cut Pro looks like iMovie, not professional enough"
"The $299 price will bring my rates down"
"I don't like that they changed the interface"

Last year everyone was complaining that Apple was doing nothing.

Also... I really don't see why a cheaper application makes you less pro. Tools are just that, tools.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 02:31 PM   #84
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Jon Chappell says this:

"As it is an App Store app, it won't overwrite the old version of Final Cut Studio so you can still go back if anything is missing."

So I guess we'll be okay.

My thoughts on Final Cut Pro X - Digital Rebellion Blog

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Old April 14th, 2011, 02:33 PM   #85
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Originally Posted by Floris van Eck View Post
Also... I really don't see why a cheaper application makes you less pro. Tools are just that, tools.
Exactly! While I believe FCP killed off half the production houses over the past decade, you still get paid for your talent. I know a few FCP editors that are highly skilled with the app, but can't edit to save their lives, can't tell a cohesive story.

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Old April 14th, 2011, 03:20 PM   #86
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Just got back from NAB and am gathering my throughts...

But these threads have me alternatively chuckling and cringing.

It's always the same. The very fact of being a leader in anything, puts a HUGE target up — and I'm always surprised at how much people love to do their damndest to take the leader down a few pegs.

Human nature is such a goofy thing.

Personally, I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me that Apple had "totally missed the target" with something and either the product or the WHOLE COMPANY was headed for ruin!!!

I've also heard a thousand voices raised that no matter WHAT Apple does it will be flawless, untouchable, and much, MUCH better than anything anyone else uses! Both views are kinda silly, IMO.

Editing software is complex stuff and what works for one practitioner doesn't always work for another and that's just the way it is and the only reasonable view is to assess how it might work for YOU.

Interestingly, in the way that I work as an INDIVIDUAL, Apple has been, on balance, a LOT closer to the mark than any other company in both my general life and in my history as a video producer and editor.

And on first look from my seat in the audience at NAB, it doesn't look like anything has changed with regards to Apple taking the time to get things right. Yeah it took a long time for the rev. But what they showed me LOOKS like it took a long time AND a lot of thought. I like that. Real quality is often found at the end "it's ready when it's ready and we're not going to make it crappier just so we can release it sooner." It's the antithisis of the recently popular "let's pre-announce what we are planning to do someday and then see how long we can make everyone wait for delivery" mode. I like this a LOT better.

I LOVE how FCP-X takes advantage of the new Core technologies - and it just makes sense that they wouldn't deliver a product that didn't leverage all the "under the hood" enhancements that were being created and implemented in the underlying OS. Yes it took a lot of time. But it looks to me like it was time well spent. We'll know the rest in a few months.

But I came away delighted at what I saw.

My 2 cents, anyway.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 03:38 PM   #87
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

I have an IMAC with a 2.66ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and 4 gb ram. Wil it run this new FCP, given that I dont care how long it takes to render a video as long as it can do the real time stuff sufficently.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 04:04 PM   #88
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Re: Apple insider reports new FCP at NAB

Kris, I think you're okay with your specs. We'll know more soon... I know older Intel Macs had issues with FCS 3, but we'll have to see.

Bill, your two cents is great, and summarizes how to approach ANY NLE. I get into platform wars on FB, and I'm not looking for it. I have friends that use Vegas, Avid, etc., and I'm sure someone hates FCP.

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Old April 14th, 2011, 06:08 PM   #89
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Re: Final Cut X Announced At NAB

Adjusting the audo
I think a lot of things via tweet were left out. I caught some of the subtleties from Randy and Steve when they were introducing features. The auto audio and color correcting would be user selectable. That could mean on or off, or that adjustments could be made to those settings in an inspector. I have a feeling a lot of this will feel like editing Raw, like photos in Aperture. In fact, probably exactly like Aperture. The whole file structure seems the same.

You can see some ultra high-res images of the interface around. There isn't a "color-grading" area in the interface. Maybe a Colorista/Magic Bullet style color corrector, which is more for those editors that don't do grading. But there are filters called "grades" so I dunno. I still think Color will still be standalone. You'll want to animate mattes and get very precise with your corrections—otherwise, options will be Color 1.5, Colorista or Davinci.

There were some detailed motion graphics in the Audi demo. That wasn't just the title tool. Motion has to be a standalone product, just not announced. Otherwise, it's just After Effects for that stuff. And that's not always the quickest/easiest solution for everyone (except me cause I'm in AE all day long). Maybe Motion will have an actual 3D camera, or maybe manipulates your 3D footage. Who knows, but there are too many non-AE keyframe people in the world that want to add that broadcast feel to their work.

And Soundtrack?
I heard some Soundtrack loops too. I'm glad I won't have to roundtrip to STP to remove pops and background noise, but FCPX doesn't look like a loop-editing app. So maybe Soundtrack Pro is $99 and loops are extra? It still has to be around.

Richard Townhill, Director of Pro Video Product Marketing for Apple said, "the purpose of today is to focus exclusively on Final Cut Pro, highlight some of the new features, and give people a chance to see and comment on the new interface. We will have much more to say about both Final Cut and our other applications in the future." The key word here is "other apps." That is at least 2 apps and could be 3. I don't know what that means about a 4th app so don't get your hopes up about Bluray Studio Pro.
David Chapman

Last edited by David Chapman; April 14th, 2011 at 06:41 PM.
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Old April 15th, 2011, 03:24 AM   #90
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Re: Thoughts on new FCP X Sneak Peek

I have been thinking about the $299 price announcement and the absence of the other apps. I think Apple is monitoring our reactions to the price. The overall opinion is that it is too cheap, not a professional price et cetera. I think it is a safe bet that they will price the other apps in the current suite accordingly. Smart move by Apple. They now also know how Adobe and Avid are pricing, so they can adjust their strategy accordingly. If they had revealed the other app's prices, they couldn't do so anymore.

Just my thoughts on this matter. Otherwise it makes no sense to me.
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