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Yobel Pembebasan March 17th, 2007 02:02 AM

Verbatim Glossy Printable DVD-R
Have anybody had any experience with this type of printable disc? Currently I am using Verbatim hub printable discs (matte white) and am satisfied with the quality of the print. Will the glossy ones be noticeably different than the matte white? Or shall I order Taiyo Yuden premium matte white instead?

Any advice? Thanks!!

Don Bloom March 17th, 2007 07:02 AM

if you are already using Verbatim MATTE finish without a problem why would you switch to TY MATTE finish especially if you're asking about a GLOSSY finish at the same time? I guess I'm confused a bit.
To end the confusion TY also has a GLOSSY waterproof finish for injet printers and Verbatim came out with theirs to compete. The GLOSSY finish has the look of a professionally thermal printed 4 color disc face-it looks very nice compared to the matte finish at least in my opinion.
Personally I've been using Verbatim for around 4 years without any problems and just switched to the GLOSSY finish and have noticed no difference in burn quality compared to the MATTE finish.


Yobel Pembebasan March 17th, 2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Don Bloom (Post 643193)
if you are already using Verbatim MATTE finish without a problem why would you switch to TY MATTE finish especially if you're asking about a GLOSSY finish at the same time? I guess I'm confused a bit.
To end the confusion TY also has a GLOSSY waterproof finish for injet printers and Verbatim came out with theirs to compete. The GLOSSY finish has the look of a professionally thermal printed 4 color disc face-it looks very nice compared to the matte finish at least in my opinion.
Personally I've been using Verbatim for around 4 years without any problems and just switched to the GLOSSY finish and have noticed no difference in burn quality compared to the MATTE finish.


Don, thanks for the reply
The reason I asked about TY matte finish is because I read that TY is a better quality compared to Verbatim. So I think I would like to give it a try if the price does not differ much.

As for the glossy part, I am thinking that probably it will result in a better presentation of the disc. I usually print full color using scenes captured from the clips. Before switching to printable discs I labeled the DVDs using glossy labels and it looks better than matte labels. I wonder if it is the same with printable discs.

Assuming glossy finish will work well on my printer, I plan to switch to glossy finish. If the quality does not differ too much, I would like to try TY matte finish and see how it goes. Hope that clarifies :-D

Don Bloom March 17th, 2007 03:49 PM

I might be wrong but I believe TY had the glossys first and a friend of mine had a couple that i bought from him to try the printing on. It worked very well and looked great. I've been using Verbatim for a long time and have never had a problem so when I saw they had the glossys I got some and so far I love 'em. To my eyes the print quality looks great and I know the Verbatim product so I'm happy.


Chuck Wall March 19th, 2007 08:07 PM


We have been using the t-yuden white thermal hub printable discs (dvd-r and cdrom) for quite a while in our p-55 printers. So far only the verbatim and t-yuden are of high enough finish to produce perfect prints.


Peter Jefferson March 19th, 2007 08:39 PM

TYs arent sticky, Verbatims are.. and remain sticky after print.. even after 2 days drying.. they leave horrid finger marks if the print surface is ever touched.. ..

Don Bloom March 19th, 2007 09:23 PM

I haven't noticed the 'sticky' issue on the Verbatims-could it be that you just got a bad batch? Now you've got me worried - I'm going to check to make sure my DVDs aren't sticky buns!


Yobel Pembebasan March 20th, 2007 10:25 AM

Got an order of TY with watershield shipped today and will arrive tomorrow.

On the other hand, I wish there is a store that will allow you to purchase smaller amount of discs as samples so that you can mix different brands for comparison before making large purchase. TY with watershield is 100 a spindle; so it better be REALLY good :-D

Allen Williams March 20th, 2007 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson (Post 644589)
TYs arent sticky, Verbatims are.. and remain sticky after print.. even after 2 days drying.. they leave horrid finger marks if the print surface is ever touched.. ..

I've printed on thousands of Verbatims and I have never had a sticky problem. Can you elaborate?
Allen W

Don Bloom March 20th, 2007 09:09 PM

I believe Peter is talking about the newer glossy surface discs which came out just a short time ago.
I've also have never had a problem with the Verbatim matte finish discs.


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