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Jeremiah Rickert June 12th, 2015 12:11 AM

TMPGenc choking on AVCHD files
I was trying to save a step during my DVD authoring and rendered my project out to AVCHD with AC3 audio. I have been using TMPGenc to author DVDs for years now, and noticed that when I added the videos to the project they seemed to think about it a while before finally accepting the file. After I had built my menus and what-not, I started the encode only to have it pop up with an error saying that the format was wrong. I am going to hate to have to re-render this entire project, but it's looking like that is going to be the case. Any ideas?

Jeff Pulera June 12th, 2015 01:07 PM

Re: TMPGenc choking on AVCHD files
What is the workflow you used prior to trying AVCHD? And what NLE software do you use?

AVCHD is the very last thing I would ever use as an "intermediate" file - it's very highly compressed. If you're wanting TMPGenc to create the MPEG-2 DVD file from your finished clip, I'd use an .avi codec with 4:2:2 color as the intermediate that is exported from the NLE.


Noa Put June 12th, 2015 01:59 PM

Re: TMPGenc choking on AVCHD files
I always use a intermediate codec (hqavi) from edius which give me a fast and very reliable workflow in tmpgenc.

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