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Evan Bourcier July 5th, 2012 06:48 PM

Encore Menu Button Highlight State
Hey guys, working on making some menus for my DVDs in photoshop, and I seem to have a relatively good handle on it in general. What I don't understand is the highlight state. My buttons are text layers, and I wanted to add a highlight state that was the same thing with a heart next to it. I duplicated the text layer in the group and added a heart, and named it =(1) Highlight, but when I open the menu in encore the heart is always there. I just want in there when they are highlighting it. What am I doing wrong?


Roger Averdahl July 6th, 2012 01:25 PM

Re: Encore Menu Button Highlight State

Originally Posted by Evan Bourcier (Post 1741746)
What am I doing wrong?

It should be (=1) and not =(1).


Evan Bourcier July 6th, 2012 04:41 PM

Re: Encore Menu Button Highlight State
Thanks Roger, I ended up figuring that out about 15 minutes after this post haha. I did have a few other problems figuring out the selected neutral and active states stuff but I got it to work for now. Random thought. I have an animated intro sequence into the menu I made in after effects, which is my first play action. Is it possible to make a song start playing during that sequence and continue playing during the menu?


Roger Averdahl July 7th, 2012 01:27 AM

Re: Encore Menu Button Highlight State

Originally Posted by Evan Bourcier (Post 1741963)
I have an animated intro sequence into the menu I made in after effects, which is my first play action. Is it possible to make a song start playing during that sequence and continue playing during the menu?

Yes, add the music in the After Effects Composition and render out the menu again or add the audio directly in the Motion tab in Encore.

I recommend doing it in After Effects because it is an animated menu you have.

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