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Bill Mecca September 7th, 2010 10:11 AM

DVD audio playback issue
I've been using, for better or worse, Adobe Encore 2.0. I just produced a DVD for a client agency, checked the DVD on a player and it was fine, all links etc worked. Well, they want to play it on a computer and are having issues with it stopping, etc. I took the master disc and on the computer here the video is fine but the audio plays but has a stuttering distortion. Burned a new disc, same thing. It plays perfectly fine in a DVD player. Pulled two older DVDs I created here and played it on the PC and same audio issue.

Any ideas?

Seth Bloombaum September 7th, 2010 10:55 AM

That's very odd - usually, pc playback is going to be more forgiving than a hardware dvd player, not less!

Well, this is going to come down to one of two things, I think - either it's an issue with the DVD media you're using, or with Encore.

So, what recordable DVDs are you using? Were they all the same across the various disks you've tried? Perhaps it's time to try something else if they all were burned on the same media.

Encore 2.0; I've not used it, but, is it fully updated, with all patches applied? The DVD-Video spec hasn't changed, it seems like even an older version should be fully compatible with the spec. Is this an AC3 audio track, or MPEG-2 audio? Is the audio encode happening in Encore, or ???

I guess one more possibility would be a burner driver problem - are you fully up-to-date with the driver for your DVD burner?

PS: It could be that your client is experiencing a totally different problem - maybe one bad burn!

Bill Mecca September 7th, 2010 12:12 PM

I think now the two are separate issues. I've taken a purchased DVD and put it in the burner and same audio issue. Took them to a differnet PC and they play fine.

Thinking it's this system, either the burner, or IT pushed out some updates (which they never tell you about) and that mucked something up. Have to wait until the main IT guy at this location is back to see if he knows anything.

I edit on an Avid system, use Squeeze, burn the files to disc and then bring to this machine to do the DVD authoring. I was going to try AvidDVD by sonic, but I never activated it when I got the system last year and now Roxio owns Sonic and the links to get the activation codes don't work.

At least I know the issues they had are not related to my issue and the DVD plays fine on a DVD player and on at least one PC, not the one that created it.

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