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Gregory Lee July 26th, 2010 10:13 PM

"Unknown Error" in DVD Architect 5.0b when preparing Bluray
I keep getting an error about 30 minutes into preparing the Blu-Ray files in DVD Architect 5.0b. The only files that needed 'recompression' are the ac3 files but I made sure the mpeg2 files were compatible so that none needed recompression.

I am using Windows XP Pro with Intel i7 920, 4 gigs of RAM, ATI Radeon 5770 video card and I have plenty of HD space.

All of the hardware is brand new and I have yet to successfully 'prepare' the blu-ray files in Architect. When the "unknown error" message pops up, it gives no clue as to what wrong and why.

Has anyone else experience this problem and do you have any suggestions?


Gregory Lee July 26th, 2010 10:51 PM

The actual message says "Warning: An error occurred while writing a file. The reason for the error could not be determined."

I've tried it several times now and the error message comes up always within about 1/2 hour of the rendering. The remaining render time is 3 hours and it crashes while the main menu video is rendering.

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