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Matti Ashford June 29th, 2005 03:37 PM

DVD authoring with Avid Express Pro
We're using Avid Express Pro and are trying to author a short film to DVD using Adobe Encore.
Anyone have any tips on the best codec to use to export from avid and the best transcoder to use in Encore?
Also, any suggestions on a better authoring program to use? We can't afford Avid DVD unfortunately.

Richard Alvarez June 29th, 2005 04:25 PM

Did your copy come with DVDit or REEL DVD from Sonic? Or are you using a student version? If you have a full version, should have come with REEL DVD and Sorenson Squeeze.

Matti Ashford June 30th, 2005 05:51 AM

we don't
we don't have these programs. Don't think we have a a full version.
Probably should just up date and buy a new version.

Matti Ashford June 30th, 2005 06:08 AM

we do have sorenson squeeze
just found sorenson squeeze but isn't compatable with encore. presumably this works with reel dvd. not anyway of buying as an add on? I'll have a look.
Encore has been okay but we exported all 20 mins as a quicktime using avid codec and it keeps crashing when transcoding the audio. possibly can't handle the size of the file (over 5gb). any other suggestions if not?
gonna try exporting video and audio seperately.

Sean McHenry July 18th, 2005 01:56 PM

Sorenson is quite compatible with Encore.

You need to export from Avid with QuickTime Ref files. This will be fast. Close Avid, Open Sorenson. Select MPEG-2 Elementary export (or something like that). It will create a video and seperate audio file. Close Sorenson, open Encore (Make sure you have the Encore 1.5 update) import the files as assets. Drop them on a new timeline or create a playlist, etc.

Encore will need to re-encode the WAV audio file but that's pretty fast. You should not need to further encode the video. Burn a DVD. You may have to play with setings all along the way in each program to make great DVDs.

Good luck,
Sean McHenry

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