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George Zabetas November 14th, 2009 03:33 PM

standard DVD on regular TV - not so good
not sure if i am doing something wrong but here's what happens.
1. original m2t files look great
2. render to DVD Pal.
3. this mpeg is lower but still not bad. looks good on the PC.
4. burn with Nero to DVD.
5. on the TV i notice the burned highlights more (video pronounced look) and some moire patterns on window grills that i can not notice on original footage.

anyone seen this?


Tripp Woelfel November 15th, 2009 09:15 AM

I know that you cannot easily post pictures of what you're seeing on TV so I'll make a guess that there might be an interlacing issue. I could be completely wrong about this but the logic in my head says when one starts with HD footage and you down res to DVD it should always be converted to progressive as part of the down res process. I don't actually know what Encore, for example, does when you down res but my guess is that the SD fields it creates are not temporally separated. By that I mean that the upper and lower fields are created from a single field of HD footage. That's simply speculation on my part.

What you might try is rendering your DVD in progressive and see if that helps.

George Zabetas November 16th, 2009 02:42 AM

i think your are right. my mind is telling me that i missed this somewhere in the options. will try again.
thanks for the tip.

Ervin Farkas November 16th, 2009 10:16 PM


Is Nero just authoring the DVD for you or is it re-encoding the video? I care less for the newer, bloated versions [I use version 6, does everything I need] but in older versions Nero was not taking mpeg files, or if it did, it re-encoded them... this might explain your scenrio.

George Zabetas November 17th, 2009 11:29 AM

it doesnt look like nero is re-encoding because it goes by real quick. its only creating the directory structure i guess for the TS stuff.

i noticed that in vegas that i use the default option to render DVD PAL has the setting to lower field first, so chances are it took the very good progressive XH A1 footage and broke it into interlaced.

on the next project will set this to progressive and see if it helps.

Anton Strauss November 19th, 2009 12:34 AM

the DVD standard requires interlaced footage and it should be upper field first for Pal and NTSC

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