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Mark Hendren November 2nd, 2009 03:18 PM

DVD SP Problem - could be compression issues
Okay, so I'm having issues with DVDSP at the moment. Built my DVD with a program that is 1 hour and about 38 minutes. I have a very simple menu structure that either sends the viewer to the start of the program or to a simple chapter menu.

The problem comes when I burn it out. I have tried both exporting the timeline as a self-contained movie and letting DVDSP do the compression and exporting the timeline with compressor. Both have the same problem. The problem doesn't show in the simulator, or in the timeline and it doesn't always occur in the same place on each disc. The video quality, when it is working correctly looks great, it's just the digital dropout that is killing me.

I'm trying the "export a self-contained movie then throw it into compressor" method. Hopefully that will help, but if anyone has had this problem, please let me know what I can do to fix it.



Mark Hendren November 3rd, 2009 11:34 PM

Okay, so that seemed to work...
Once again DVInfo saves the day! I don't know what was causing the problem in the first place, but I did what I found on here and it seemed to work.

Thanks to all those who have posted in the past!


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