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Jeff Klein September 16th, 2004 02:06 PM

Insert VOB file on compilation DVD?
Hi all,
I'm making a compilation DVD of our last 4 video projects for a church basketball league, but I've only got raw video for 3 of them; the other is a DVD and the original files aren't available.

I transferred the DVD files to my computer and converted them successfully to mp2/wav, loaded the other 3 video project files (also in mp2/wav format), then used the "make a DVD folder" in Sonic MyDVD to preview the results. The video from the raw files turned out fine, but the re-re-compressed DVD-ripped files didn't do well, looks like you're watching it on an acid trip (think lots of trails).

I am wondering if I can replace the offending files in the DVD folder on the disk with the original DVD files before burning, and if so, do I just copy over and appropriately rename the two VOB files or do I also have to copy over the IFO and BUP files?

The DVD is set up to open up with a main screen with animated chapter buttons for each of the 4 video segments and runs through the following videos from whichever video you start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jeff K.

Yi Fong Yu September 16th, 2004 06:03 PM

i've been wanting to do this too. anyone know? i thought there was a way to directly copy+paste .vob files right into the DVD authoring software. it shouldn't go through any recompression.

Rob Lohman September 17th, 2004 01:46 AM

It's possible with the right tools, knowledge and patience but
that will probably be very very hard to do. I think the problem is
in converting. What you want to do is de-mux instead of convert.

This will extract the original streams from a VOB file and allow
you to use the original streams. Is there more then 1 VOB file?
If so I'm not sure if you can get by without re-encoding (in theory
you should be able to).

I would try bbTools to demux the VOB file and get the original
streams back. You can it here: www.doom9.org
(go to downloads and then to VOB Tools)

Lars Siden September 17th, 2004 04:33 AM

Hi Jeff,

Just checked out the demo of Ulead DVDWorkshop 2 - and there you can ADD .VOB files from a source DVD/HDD to your compilation - without recompressing them.

Don't know if it is of any help to you.

// Lazze \

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