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Mike Scoboria September 2nd, 2004 08:38 PM

Problem compressing file for DVD
For some reason I can't get a project I've edited on FCP to compress (to MPEG-2 for DVD). This is what happens: I select the sequence, go to EXPORT under FILE and pick USING COMPRESSOR and then nothing happens. I'm pretty sure this is the process I've done previously. Can anybody shed some light on this.



Vishal Gurung September 2nd, 2004 11:14 PM

Hi there!
This happened to me as well but all i did was update FCPHD and then all was good.. have u done yer updates yet?

Patricia Kim September 3rd, 2004 11:21 AM

I've heard it's not necessarily the best thing to update or install software in the middle of a project. Have you tried trashing preferences? Usually trashing preferences and repairing permissions work wonders on a Mac.

Mike Scoboria September 3rd, 2004 02:16 PM

Thanks for the input. Patricia (or anyone who might know) what is the proceedure for trashing preferences and repairing permissions?


Patricia Kim September 3rd, 2004 03:37 PM

To trash preferences: open the finder, click on home (usually your name); click on the library folder; click on the preferences folder; find the preference file you want (maybe both FCP and Compressor in this case?), drag it to the trash.

To repair permissions: go to the finder. Type in disk utility in the search area. Double click on the icon. When the window opens, make sure you check the correct disk (normally the hard drive where you're running FCP). Do Not erase, Do Not partition. Check repair permissions. When it's done, I always shut down my computer and restart.

Mike Scoboria September 4th, 2004 06:30 AM


Laurence Maher September 8th, 2004 12:12 AM

Say Vishal,

When you said "update FCP HD" did you mean upgrade to FCP HD from another version or did you mean update it with patches or whatever on the web. I've got FCP HD and wasn't sure if they did web upgrades of the sa
me version or what.


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