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Morgan Preston July 28th, 2004 03:35 PM

Progressive Scan DVD questions
I have been getting decent results with the Lumiere capture process but cannot seem to get very good results with a final product on dvd. anyone have any suggestions as far as what codec to use as a final product for progressive scan dvds.

Graham Hickling July 28th, 2004 09:40 PM

You dont really have any option regarding what "codec" to use: the DVD specification requires mpeg2 with a max bitrate of around 9000kb/s.

Or are you asking for a recommendation for a good "encoder" to produce that mpeg? If so, Mainconcept, Procoder and CCE (google for them) all produce high-quality mpeg2 encoders.

Bryan Suthard July 29th, 2004 01:49 PM


I have been getting good results using the presets in Apple Compressor to create the high quality progressive DVD output.

Rob Lohman August 3rd, 2004 07:35 AM

Progressive scan is an option on the better quality DVD players
and needs a matching progressive scan display device for best
results. Ofcourse this only works if your footage is 24/25/30p
and not interlaced. DVD format basically doesn't care.

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