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Scott Nelson May 11th, 2009 04:34 PM

DVD Burning.. Don't have HD support
So.. I am still kinda new to the whole... Phsyical copy deal... I alway keep my photos online as well as my Videos. but now a job I got needs a real DVD... It is due tomorrow so I am going to run to a store tonight.

Long story short. My program (It's crap) will only export some insanly low res like.. 480x720

What program can I get (The low the price the better) to make a dvd at full HD? I shoot an XH-A1 and edited it all together at full HD.

So.. What are my options? I know there is stuff like Encore, but thats all I know...

What is the current price on Encore now?

Tripp Woelfel May 11th, 2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Nelson (Post 1141520)
So.. I am still kinda new to the whole... Phsyical copy deal... I alway keep my photos online as well as my Videos. but now a job I got needs a real DVD... It is due tomorrow so I am going to run to a store tonight.

Long story short. My program (It's crap) will only export some insanly low res like.. 480x720

What program can I get (The low the price the better) to make a dvd at full HD? I shoot an XH-A1 and edited it all together at full HD.

So.. What are my options? I know there is stuff like Encore, but thats all I know...

What is the current price on Encore now?

I don't know the cost for Encore. You could go to the Adobe Web site for that.

I think you're bigger issue is the learning curve. It's not terribly intuitive, at least for me. After slogging through a couple of projects I got the hang of it.

You can try Nero for US$100 and it's downloadable. I suspect that Sony, Corel and others have some low cost tools but I can offer not advice on those since I've not used any of them.

Short deadline you have. Best of luck.

Chris Davis May 12th, 2009 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Scott Nelson (Post 1141520)
What program can I get (The low the price the better) to make a dvd at full HD?

Short answer: you can't. The NTSC DVD-Video specification is the "insanely low" resolution of 720x480.

Now there are some Blu-ray players that will support playing m2t files from a DVD (such as Sony's PS3.) But of you're looking to deliver a DVD that someone can place in a consumer DVD player and watch HD resolution video - you're out of luck.

Tell us a bit more about how this DVD will be played and we might be able to give you more suggestions.

Chris Hurd May 12th, 2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Scott Nelson (Post 1141520)
My program will only export some insanly low res like.. 480x720

Just an off-topic aside: referring to 720x480 as "insanely low resolution" is what I consider
to be a significant milestone for DV Info Net. When this site got started, 720x480 was the
standard to which we all aspired. I guess we really have come a long way.

Scott Nelson May 14th, 2009 01:02 PM

I got Magix Movie Maker just for it's burning ability to get my clients DVD out...

Idealy, I would like to get a standard DVD that someone can just pop in any old player and watch their movie. What are my options software wise? What kind of resolution can I expect?

Chris Davis May 14th, 2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Nelson (Post 1143093)
I got Magix Movie Maker just for it's burning ability to get my clients DVD out...

Idealy, I would like to get a standard DVD that someone can just pop in any old player and watch their movie. What are my options software wise? What kind of resolution can I expect?

If you want a DVD that anyone can play in an NTSC DVD player, you are stuck with 720x480. That it. I guess you have the option of widescreen, but that's still 720x480 (the resolution appears to be higher, but that's just a trick using elongated pixels.)

If you want other DVD authoring software, there is Adobe Encore, Sony DVD Architect and at least a dozen others. None of them will make a DVD that plays HD video in normal DVD player. It just can't happen. Adobe and Sony do offer Blu-ray authoring, but that requires a Blu-ray burner, Blu-ray media and a Blu-ray player.

Scott Nelson May 16th, 2009 09:38 PM

I figured... Well I have been thinking of getting Blu-ray stuff... But until a client wants it on blu-ray I will just have to stick with the 720x480. I always give them a usb stick with the full file, so I doubt its an issue.

Chris Davis May 18th, 2009 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Scott Nelson (Post 1144138)
I figured... Well I have been thinking of getting Blu-ray stuff... But until a client wants it on blu-ray I will just have to stick with the 720x480. I always give them a usb stick with the full file, so I doubt its an issue.

I upgraded to everything I need for Blu-ray a year ago and never used it - no client has ever wanted it. HD distribution for me has been either online, played on a computer, or played off a USB key (with something like the WD HD player.)

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