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Charlie Wu May 8th, 2009 09:43 PM

DVD burner lifespan, condition...
is there any software for mac to check the condition of the optical drive? or to verify a disc once it's burned?
toast will verify a burn, but have to initiate the burn with toast.
reason for the question being...
in dvd studio pro, i've sometimes created discs that dvdsp said it was successful, but problematic once taken to replicator. when the burner was brand new, it never had such problem. I have gone through 4 external burner in the past two years, 2 lacie and 2 sony. my previous sony lasted a lot loner than all of my lacies, so i purchased another sony late last year. now it feels like it's burning more and more bad discs. I burn no more than 250 DL discs every year, hate to believe that burner doesn't last a bit longer.

Please help!!!

Nicholas de Kock May 15th, 2009 06:27 PM

I have 2x Lite-On's, have probably burned 500-800 DVD's through them in the past two years and they still burn.

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