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David Horwitz March 7th, 2009 10:46 PM

DVD Duplication in the US?
Hi all,

Any recommendations for a quality duplication house in the US for DVDs? Price is a concern. Quality is of course also a concern, but price overrides that. I don't need the most painstaking work imaginable, just good quality at a great price. Any suggestions? This will be from around 60-100 discs.

Thanks :)

Tripp Woelfel March 8th, 2009 06:18 AM

Are you talking about "replication"? That's the creation of disks from a glass master as opposed to burning. I think your quantity is too low for that.

Check out the DVi vendors and see what they might offer. If not, check out Diskmakers. They have a great reputation and a very helpful Web site.

However, for 60-100 disks, duplication (burning) is probably your best bet.

Chris Davis March 8th, 2009 08:07 AM

Disc Makers gets my highest recommendation. Top-notch work.

While I've never used them, a friend recommends cdtechnical.com.

Both have online quote calculators, so you'll know up-front what the charges will be. I have an automated duplicator that will crank out 500 DVDs a day, but I can't come close to either of their prices.

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