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-   -   Is CBR the way to go for DVDs less than 60 minutes? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/dvd-authoring/139434-cbr-way-go-dvds-less-than-60-minutes.html)

Michael Wisniewski December 11th, 2008 06:45 PM

Is CBR the way to go for DVDs less than 60 minutes?
Any thoughts on this? Does CBR make the most sense?

Ervin Farkas December 12th, 2008 10:12 AM

Depends on the bitrate. If you use max, it makes no difference.

Tripp Woelfel December 12th, 2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Wisniewski (Post 976570)
Does CBR make the most sense?

Only if you can max the bit rate. If not, any really fast scene/contrast/any other image changes could overrun a lower bit rate and hurt quality.

I generally use VBR-1 pass to handle any spikes in the data rate. If I see anything untoward, I'll run it again with 2 pass.

Adam Reuter December 14th, 2008 05:47 PM

For videos 60 minutes and under I just set it to CBR 1-pass 6300kbps and forget it. Footage looks beautiful...no issues with crossfades/whatnot.

Ben Longden July 26th, 2009 03:46 AM

Ive found my best pictures, including crossfades, animation effects and such comes with a two pass render.

Essentially its 8mbps max, 6mbps min and average, two pass.

I was doing a CBR, and found image degredation in the effects, such as a title fading in/out, but fine on general vision.

The biggest secret was to render the whole project to an .avi file first, THEN render that new one to MPEG2.

Doing that saves time. Doing the two pass render keeps the quality.


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