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Andrew Leigh August 27th, 2003 11:09 AM

Interlacing Artifacts and DVD

If I want to write my sons wedding video to a DVD that will be played back on PC. I have interlacing artifacts when I edit. Would it be necessary to de-interlace?


David Hurdon August 28th, 2003 04:41 AM

I haven't tried this with DVD yet but for MPEG-1 on CD I recently discovered a great setting in TMPGEnc, and it is available for MPEG-2 as well. One of the set up screens provides a list of processing options that includes "deinterlace". I believe the default is "none". If you click on that you get a long series of choices, including "double". I tried it on the assumption that it might create 60 frames progressive output. I don't know for a fact that that is what actually occurs but the resulting file is beautiful when played on a PC. Not a hint of the unmatched horizontal lines that reveal interlaced footage. You might try a short clip to see if this is the result you want.

David Hurdon

Andrew Leigh August 29th, 2003 10:55 PM

Thanks David,

will attempt it this wekend.


Peter Moore August 30th, 2003 09:40 AM


Most, if not all, PC DVD players deinterlace automatically, or actually display interlaced footage. Either way, you shouldn't have to worry about the interlacing ever. Before you try anything, try making a DVD folder on your hard drive and playing it with your PC DVD player - it should play fine.

Andrew Leigh August 30th, 2003 01:40 PM


will do so first. Probably on Sunday.


Mike Rehmus August 31st, 2003 02:06 PM

You can have an issue about field order though. De-interlacing at playback time won't fix it because it matches up fields from two different frames.

See if you can set the proper field order in your conversion program if interlace is a problem.

Andrew Leigh September 7th, 2003 12:04 AM


Thanks for the input guys.


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