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Trond Saetre December 12th, 2009 02:32 PM

Tales of Wonder and Woe - Charity Challenge 2009
Guys and gals, you all know what to do in here.

This is where we post what goes well, what should go well, and what... well, did not go exactly as planned in the making of our UWOL/DVC charity videos.

Oh, and for once, the UWOL rule #11 is valid for the DVC gang too:

Good luck, everyone!

Trond Saetre December 14th, 2009 09:34 AM

For a change I surprised myself and have already come up with a rough idea for my film.
Now I just need a little cooperation from the weather gods. Wait, in this city "good" means anything but rain.

Oh, and I'm sure I will include one of the magic rocks out there too. :)

How is everyone doing?

Bob Thieda December 16th, 2009 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Trond Saetre (Post 1460118)
How is everyone doing?

I've actually got an inkling of an idea...this is a rare thing so early in a challenge...

Now, like you Trond, I just need some cooperation from the weather...


Dick Mays December 16th, 2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Trond Saetre (Post 1460118)

How is everyone doing?

Great. I have located a supply of decent inexpensive red wine; thanks to Trader Joe's. I have begun consumption and am expecting great things to happy. Ist a good thing I'm at home because the word writing of the script is really, relly, good.

The rock will come allive and be part of my narrative short!

Andris Krastins December 18th, 2009 12:11 PM

I have drawn up a rough version of the script, found a possible actress with some experience and sent out an email to friends to save their xmas present packages so I could use them in the film.

Trond Saetre December 18th, 2009 02:01 PM

Seems like the ideas are flowing :)

Hopefully I get to shoot a little this weekend.
Forecast says anything from -20C to -10C up in the mountains, and we might even get snow.
White christmas, what a gift that would be! I am allowed to dream, right?

Dale Guthormsen December 18th, 2009 06:24 PM

Good evening,

Good news, I got my camera back from canon in record time, good service. I need to run a long tape through it to make sure time code and audio and video are sinced, I assume they are but I will do some tests before I start.

I have a glimmer of an idea and have not written anything down yet but will start this weeekend at some point.

These themes seem to get harder every challenge, or perhaps i am just getting dumber as I get older.

Bill Thesken December 22nd, 2009 12:38 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Well I started work on gathering footage. Did some preset tests to see what color looked best. Working on 2 ideas simultaneously, footage of rocks with narrative, and footage of rocks narrative with (gasp) 'actual people'. Here's a couple of frame grabs:

Trond Saetre December 22nd, 2009 12:40 PM

Tomorrow will be the day when I finally can dig my rock out of the snow and film it. :)

Bill, nice photos.

Dale Guthormsen December 22nd, 2009 06:29 PM

Good evening,

well, I am stepping out of Dale's little box on this one!! No wildlife at all, Just a theme and some images to get a point across. Hope I can actually pull it off without a swim! i intend to do the audio myslef and have compsoed a medely for it. So I gues I am started.

Dick Mays December 23rd, 2009 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Trond Saetre (Post 1463447)
Tomorrow will be the day when I finally can dig my rock out of the snow and film it. :)

Wait.. are we allowed to MOVE the rocks????

Meryem Ersoz December 23rd, 2009 03:35 PM

I have huge ethical issues with that. Rocks in the wild should be left wild.

Trond Saetre December 23rd, 2009 04:31 PM

The rock desided to stay under the white blanket known as snow. But it did talk to me. :)

Spent some hours out filming today. Had the nature all by myself. Didn't see any living creatures at all. But I heard a bird, and the magic rock. :)

Bob Thieda December 23rd, 2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz (Post 1464011)
Rocks in the wild should be left wild.

What about tag and release?

Dale Guthormsen December 24th, 2009 05:20 PM

Good evening,

Tagging any thing is actually bad as it handicaps there natural abilty to cope in their difficult lives!!!

Our Rocks have gone to sleep and have pulled the great white blanket of the north over themselves.

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