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Chris Barcellos December 24th, 2009 06:55 PM

Guys, Marty Henderson has something to say about your musings...

Bill Thesken December 25th, 2009 02:44 AM

Merry Christmas Marty & Chris !

Andris Krastins December 30th, 2009 09:17 AM

I'm having terrible hardship in finding a location (good looking apartment) to shoot, because the shooting has to be on either 3rd or 4th of January, and nobody wants to be disturbed then.

Bill Thesken December 31st, 2009 03:11 AM

Andris, don't let Marty work you ovah. I know he's a saying you gotta get a inside, get a playa station or a sometin. You don't need da apartment, you just need da footage...

Chris Barcellos January 1st, 2010 02:12 PM

In my case, I had a script, a one man crew (myself), a director, and a cast, all scheduled for shoot on Thursday, and my entire crew (myself) had to cancel due to illness. Nasty business... I will still have an entry...but not sure if it will be what was planned now.

Clint Harmon January 1st, 2010 08:21 PM

For the first time in any of these contests, I am done. No all nighters editing. I went simple this time and pleased with the results. Much like you Chris, I had a large cast and crew totally one (myself). Now I have to wait...

Bob Thieda January 2nd, 2010 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos (Post 1466872)
...and my entire crew (myself) had to cancel due to illness.

I hear ya, Chris....I came down with something a couple of days ago and today I'm just useless...

I was going to do something this week, as I had it off, but one of my out of town Christmas guests found out I wasn't working and decided to hang out a few more days....
Like until Thursday....arrgggghhhh....so I lost the whole week...
Now I'm sick, with a 6 day work week facing me Monday......

Haven't given up yet, just running out of options....

Andris Krastins January 2nd, 2010 12:15 PM

My main actress came down with the flu shortly before the new year, but we hope she'll be back on her feet next week; we had to postpone a planned shooting though.

Andris Krastins January 3rd, 2010 05:20 AM

Progress report
The script is almost ready, a few finishing touches left. Today I draw the scenes. Tomorrow we will shoot. I hope the main actress is fit enough by then. My friend will go get the necessary things during the day – a big glass and gift wraps. I rely on another friend to get an on-camera light from a studio. It’s essential, especially during the second day. If everything clicks, it will happen. I still haven’t resolved the problem with the dolly – I haven’t got any.

At least the soundtrack side is resolved – I found some appropriate Creative Commons music on jamendo.com.

Dale Guthormsen January 3rd, 2010 10:12 AM

Good Morning,

Well, I am wondering if I am going to get something done worthy of entering. The fellow I contacted about copyright has not even responded, perhaps if I had a grand to offer he might, sense I do not I have been looking for copyright free material. I have only shot about ten minutes of video of which I am using about 22 seconds. my original idea is not unfolding like I thought. I am going on a shoot today, hopefully I will get something i can actually use to put up something worthy of the challenge. As always it is a one person endevor. Must be nice to have great characters and actors to work with!!!

Dick Mays January 3rd, 2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dale Guthormsen (Post 1467437)
The fellow I contacted about copyright has not even responded, perhaps if I had a grand to offer he might, sense I do not I have been looking for copyright free material.

Dale, I have found that musical artists are often reluctant to give permission to use their material, because they don't know what the end product is going to look like and don't want to do anything that involves legal decisions, without recieving some money for it. But I have had good luck editing together short films with music I like from little known artists, and then giving them a preview with their credits in place. If they say no, then you have to reedit with different music,. However, this only happened to me once with a Christian group who didn't want their songs used in what they thought was a too suggestive work.

I really did like the Christian Bluegrass band, and unfortunately never got around to reediting the piece because it lost so much with different music.

Dick Mays January 3rd, 2010 01:41 PM

I am disappointed it didn't change :(

Dick Mays January 3rd, 2010 01:42 PM

Meaningless post, just to get to 500, and see if it changes my status from Major Player into something like Lorinda\'s or Dylan\'s titles.

Dick Mays January 3rd, 2010 01:44 PM

Very strange that it reversed those two last posts. Oh, well, enough playing with the message board. Good luck to all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dale Guthormsen January 5th, 2010 12:16 PM


Actually, it was a graphic piece I wanted to use. So I went and got a copyright free one and rebuilt it to suit my needs. I am farely pleased with the result.

I shot some key footage this morning and am capturing it as I write this. I have to go do a shoot tonight 25 miles south and then back to town and 50 miles to the North. If they go as planned I will actually complete my story. Of course it is snowing today so I am wondering if I will even get to my destinations and be able to shoot outdoors!!!

Time is closing in around us.

Oh yea, I managed to get a rock or three in mine too!!!!

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