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-   -   DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge - The Winner! (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/dvc-uwol-charity-challenge/141488-dvc-uwol-charity-challenge-winner.html)

Lorinda Norton January 13th, 2009 12:17 PM

DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge - The Winner!
Thanks to all who made the first DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge a success! As some have said earlier, it was lots of fun, and we got some great films to watch. Everyone who participated is a winner!

Just as important, a hearty “Thanks!” to every person who donated. The $635 raised here will be a welcome gift to some worthy charity.

Big thanks to Meryem Ersoz of UWOL and Dylan Couper of DVC for bringing this together. Thanks to Chris Hurd for giving it a home right here on DV Info Net.

And thank you, Guy Cochran of DveStore for donating the prize for the winner: a $250 shopping spree!

Voting was all over the place, which was expected given our diverse backgrounds, but it was really close at the top. Because of the spread I think we’ll do things a bit different than usual…

Here are your top vote-getters!

2nd Runner up
Chris Barcellos – “The Dead of Winter”

1st Runner up –We have a TIE!
Tom Sherwood – “Cold War”
Jay Silver – “Freeze”

WINNER of the First Annual DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge
Per Johan Næsje – “Norwegian Wood”

Congratulations, Per Johan, on a beautiful entry! You not only receive the prize from DveStore, but you now get the happy job of choosing a charity to receive the $635 donated! We will be contacting you about your charity and your prize.

More congratulations to our wonderful runners-up, and to every one of you who submitted a film. As you can tell by the feedback they were all great!

That’s it for now! See you here next year!

Trond Saetre January 13th, 2009 12:36 PM

Congratulations Per Johan, Tom, Jay and Chris!
All of you made really good videos!

And congratulations to everyone who submitted a video! Everyone produced a very good video. I enjoyed watching all of them.

Chris Barcellos January 13th, 2009 12:41 PM

To all winners, another fine crop of films ! I really enjoyed the wide variety films in this challenge. Everyone is a winner here, and thanks all for the donations.

Vidar Vedaa January 13th, 2009 01:04 PM

" Congratulation" to Per Johan,Jay,Tom and Chris

And to all odder for a nice Challange Lock forword to necst

All Best


Per Johan Naesje January 13th, 2009 01:39 PM

Thanks so much to all of you who voted for my entry! And congrats to all others who did an entry for this challenge. I think we are all winners here!
It has been a pleasure to join and I've learned a lot from you fellow filmmakers.

Once again thanks a lot, I definitive join this challenge next time.

And thanks to Dylan, Lorinda and Meryem who're running this and makes this to a great community. And to Chris Hurd of course for the DV Info, word greatest forum!

Meryem Ersoz January 13th, 2009 01:40 PM

Wow, Per!! DVinfo's first dual challenge winner! Couldn't happen to a more hard-working or deserving fellow...

Thank you for all you do to make DVinfo a more informative place and a stronger community.

And congrats to Jay, Tom, and Chris for making a batch of fine films. All fun to watch.

And to everyone who made a film or kicked in a few bucks for the Charity Challenge -- huge thank-you. What an excellent community effort all around.

Oh and also thanks to Lorinda, who did most of the heavy lifting for this -- tallying votes, keeping everyone on-task, and cheering on the players throughout. While Dylan and I went out for drinks. So cheers to her for pulling together all the various strings. Thanks for all you did, Lorinda!

Hugh DiMauro January 13th, 2009 01:58 PM

No Surprise Here!
Congratulations! Most deserving and a movie that made me a permanent fan of the UWOL crowd. Thank you for your entry, your dedication to braving the elements and hard work! I look forward to all of your future projects!

Geir Inge January 13th, 2009 02:06 PM

Congratulations to you PJ, what a way to start the year :)
And to all you players (DVC/UWOL), you got IT.
Keep on the good work.

All the best from Geir Inge

Catherine Russell January 13th, 2009 03:02 PM

Congrats to the winners! Per, Tom, Jay and Chris. And how "cool" is that... 2 winners from UWOL (okay, Chris does both regularly) and 2 winners from DVC, Sweet!

And a hearty salute to all who participated and for Chris H., Lorinda, Dylan and Meryem for providing such a great platform for film makers and film watchers alike.

O.K. Per.... are you going to let us in on what charity all of these pennies are going to?

Until next time ...


Andris Krastins January 13th, 2009 03:02 PM

Congrats to winners! It was a pleasure to participate.

Robert Martens January 13th, 2009 08:12 PM

A pleasure to see all my favorites right at the top! Well done, gentlemen, well done.

Per Johan Naesje January 14th, 2009 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Catherine Russell (Post 994438)
O.K. Per.... are you going to let us in on what charity all of these pennies are going to?

Cat, I will decide within a couple of days, and I will let you all know!
Organizations who work for saving endangered species or homeless and ill-treated animals, is what's on my mind.

Marj Atkins January 14th, 2009 03:52 AM

Wonderful work - well done to all of you.

Per as always you do us proud. Look forward to viewing more of the beautiful 'Norwegian Wood' in your UWOL long-form film.


Jay Silver January 14th, 2009 11:51 AM

Congratulations to the winners! This is a tough time of year to pull this sort of thing off - no doubt - and I think we all deserve a pat on the back for just following through. I can't tell you how surprised and delighted I am to be sharing 2nd place in such stiff competition. Thanks for the votes!

(As an aside, I still owe many of you a review as my family and I dropped off the earth sick this past week and hope to get to it soon, as well as more behind-the-scenes info on my own entry which had its fair share of challenges. See you soon!)


Dale Guthormsen January 14th, 2009 02:09 PM

Congratualations PER JO HAN !!!!!


Runner ups, you all did terrific jobs!!!

I loved watching them all!!!!

As stated, you all, are winners in my book!!!

Tom Sherwood January 15th, 2009 06:55 PM

Congrats everyone who participated. This was a tremendous learning experience for me and my friends.

PJ your video was the best looking, most professional looking video for sure. A well deserved win. You have mastered your equipment to produce some remarkable images and found interesting subjects to shoot.

Congrats to all the winners and thank you for voting my our movie among them. Thank you very much. What a great confidence booster. It was a pleasure to participate in this challenge with so many talented people.

Oddly I posted on this from work but must not have taken... So if this doubles I apologize.

Lorinda Norton January 18th, 2009 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jay Silver (Post 994867)
...I still owe many of you a review as my family and I dropped off the earth sick this past week and hope to get to it soon, as well as more behind-the-scenes info on my own entry which had its fair share of challenges. See you soon!)

Hi Jay,

I'm sorry to hear you and your family were ill. Hope everyone is 100% again.

Looking forward to hearing about your behind-the-scenes experiences. :)

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